Chapter Nine

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Elise's P.O.V

I stare at Francis wide-eyed and slowly back away from him, slightly shocked and confused about the current situation.

"Wait what!?"

I look over to Louise, watching as her face slowly turns bright red and starts to hide her face with her hands.

"Are you okay?" I place a hand on her shoulder, looking at her to see if she was alright.

She slowly looks at me and then back to Francis, the only thing visible on her face was embarrassment. It was only until a few silent moments later that she had turned around and backed away slowly.

"You know what. . . I think I'm gonna goooo. . .Soooooooo. . .Yeah. "

"Why?! We have an important matter on our hands!" I then point to her, then Francis, "and we can't just leave a hanging Francis, who may or may not have just confessed his feelings to you." I then place my hands on my hips, "did your parents teach you nothing?"

". . .Y-Yeah but--"

I lift my hand to silence her and walk up to her, pulling her towards Francis. As we stop in front of him, I turn Louise round so she was facing me, "I'm not letting you leave until you too have confessed your feelings to him." I mumble to her and spin her around again so she was facing Francis.

I then walk back, moving next to Arthur, who had a mixture of emotions covered all over his face. Confusement, worry, shock. I look around me to see the others staring at Louise and Francis in the same expression.

"Soooooooo. . . How are you?. . ." Louise finally pipes up from the long silence of staring.

"Good, mon amour."

"That's good. . ."

"Just tell him already so we can just get this thing over and done with." I pipe up, "Besides, I'm more concerned about Oliver more then anything else here."

He then looks over her shoulder, giving me a death glare before looking back at Francis.

"Soooooooo. . . You like me?" She says incredibly awkwardly, rubbing her neck.


"Well. . . I-I like you too. And not in a friend type of way. . ." She then hides her face in her hands and sighs heavily.

I look over to Francis to see that he looked like a child on christmas day. He had the brightest smile I've ever seen.

Francis then grabs a hold of both of Louise's hands and pulls them away from her face. He smirks at her before gently kissing her.

"Oh God, I might be sick." I hear Arthur mumble to himself. I laugh quietly and fold my arms against each other.

"Don't worry, I'll be over soon." I murmur back to him, laughing at the end. He looks over and smiles.

I then look back to see Louise and Francis pull away and watch as Louise's face gets redder and redder.

She then hides her face again and slowly walks to me, pulling me away from Arthur so that it was just us two standing together.

"Sooo, can you now tell us who the hell Oliver is."

They all look at me in worry before Matthew pipes up, "He's Arthur's cousin. If that's how you want to put it."


"Y-Yeah dude, just his cousin. . . Ha ha ha. . ." Alfred says uneasily.

I raise an eyebrow at him before smirking to myself. I look over to Feliciano and walk over to him, the smirk still plastered on my face.

"Feliciano, Is it true that Oliver is Arthur's cousin?"

He looks at me in fear and clings onto Ludwig tighter, "Ve~ I don't know!"

"Feliciano. Are you lying to me?"

"Ve~!Oliver is a crazy psycho killer who hates England with a passion!"

I stare at him shocked and look at Arthur.

"So you're saying Arthur's England?"

"Dude! No way is he saying that, right Canada!"

"ALFRED! You wanker!"

"Shit dude! Sorry!"

"Why are you calling everyone countries?" Louise asks questionably.

"Because, Sunflower, we are countries, da?" Ivan says to her.

"We're doomed."

"I agree with you Canada-san."

"Why the hell you do that, America?"

"Dude it like just happened!" Alfred than lifts his hands in a defensive manner, "Besides dudes, it's Italy's fault, not mine."

I look at all of them weirdly before speaking, "How the hell are you countries? That's physically impossible! I mean, that doesn't make any-"

"Elise? Are you okay?"

I then stop, the final piece finally falling into place, "But it does." I then look to Arthur and stare at him with a straight face, "That's why you questioned yourself when you were drunk, wondering why America left you, wondering what you did wrong."

"Dude! You did that?!?!"

"You wished that you never became his brother. Was that because of the American Revolution? How America became independent. . ."

"You said that. . ."

He stares at me with a saddened face and looks down at his hands, watching them like they were the only things that her could see. He sighs heavily and speaks out quietly, almost the same volume as how Matthew spoke.

"It's true."

"We are countries."

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