Chapter 18

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Joey's P.O.V

Charles and Mia walked outside the door and closed the door behind them. I walked over to Kamila, the first girl I have ever loved, and never quit loving. I scanned her face, oh how beautiful she is.

"Baby?" Kamila said wondering if she she could say that or not.

"No", I said softly. I felt everything inside of me break. I wish everything would just go back to normal.

"Joey what happened", she said with a very stern expression on her face. I started to tell her and she immediately remembered.

Before finishing our conversation the doctors took her away and scanned her brain and how well she was to go back home.


"She's good to go! Also, her memory is back. She remembers everything and is back to normal." They said and called her mom to let her mom know she is okay now.

"Thank god", I said with a thankful sigh. Mia and Charles waited outside and I started to walk up to her door until I saw her facing me.

She pulled me into a hug, I felt butterflies.

I pulled her into a tighter hug. She was so beautiful yet so broken. She made broken beautiful and strong look invincible, she walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.

"I'm so sorry Kamila", I said putting my hands on her cheeks. "I love you", I said and our lips met.

Sparks flew over and over. I fell in love with her more and more.

She pulled away, "You promise?" she said looking at her ring.

"I promise." I said and she smashed her lips into mine.

Taylor took all of us home and Mia spent the night with Taylor and Charles and Me.


"Put this on", I said handing her some sweatpants and a sweatshirt of mine.

"Thanks", she said smiling at me. She has the most beautiful smile. She walked into the bathroom to change and I follow behind her after a few minutes because I have to brush my teeth.

I walked in the bathroom and she screamed. "Joey I don't have a shirt on", she said covering herself. "Kamila you have a beautiful body and we have already made love", I said moving her arms away and kissing her lips. She quickly pulled away and covered her arms.

"Just please get out", she said starting to cry. I noticed she kept covering her wrist so I grabbed her arm and what I had seen caused tears escaped from my eyes.

"I'm sorry", she said crying with me. I gently traced over them and felt my heart break each time. The scars were so deep.

"It was all my fault wasn't it", I said looking at her eyes watch my finger trace her cuts.

She kissed me but I pulled away. "Kamila was this my fault", my voice cracked.

"No I used to cut before I met you but I started again once you said you never loved me and everything bad started to happen then when I saw you again I just completely lost myself without you I-I'm sorry", she stuttered in between cries.

"Please don't ever do this to yourself again, I love you and I don't want to lose you or see you in pain", I said pulling her close to me. I kissed her wrist and up her arm over each scar.

Kamila's P.O.V

I finally made it out of the hospital and Taylor told me I could spend the night with Charles and Joey and him for as long as I wanted.

"Put this on", Joey said handing me some sweatpants and a sweatshirt of his which was very soft. Man did I miss his beautiful eyes and his hug, his comfortable hugs.

"Thanks", I said smiling then walking to the bathroom to change.

I put my sweatpants on then took my shirt off and I heard someone walk in. I screamed and I quickly turned my head and saw Joey standing there.

"Joey I don't have a shirt on", I said covering up myself.

"Kamila you have a beautiful body and we have already made love", he said moving my arms away and kissed my lips.

I quickly pulled away from the kiss and hid my arms. I was terrified Joey would find out and leave me or think I am a freak. "Just get out", I said starting to cry. I kept trying to cover my arms until he grabbed them and tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry", I said crying with him. He began to gently trace over all of my scars and I could tell it scared him.

"It was all my fault wasn't it", he said looking into my eyes as I watched him trace over my scars.

I kissed him but he pulled away. "Kamila was this my fault", his voice cracked. I could hear the pain in his voice and see the pain in his eyes.

"No I used to cut before I met you but I started again once you said you never loved me and everything bad started to happen then when I saw you again I just completely lost myself without you I-I'm sorry", I stuttered in between cries. He looked me in the eyes.

"Please don't ever do this to yourself again, I love you and I don't want to lose you or see you in pain", he said pulling me close to him. Then he began to kiss my wrist and up my arm over each scar.

"Let's get in bed baby", he said grabbing my hand.

"Goodnight lovebirds", Taylor said from downstairs. "Goodnight", we yelled back.

I got in bed and Joey got in beside me. "I love you Kamila", he said and pulled me into him so that now we are cuddling. "I love you too", I said cuddling him until I was comfortable.

"Will you be my girlfriend again Kamila?", Joey asks planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes, of course jojo", I say blushing. He lifted my chin up and smashed his lips into mine. I felt sparks, even more. Every second I am with him or see him I fall in love over and over.

"Goodnight beautiful", he said playing with my hair. "Goodnight jojo", I said starting to drift off to sleep.





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