6. Twerkrific Only

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It's been a week later and I haven't been doing anything accept reading and writing.

The 16-year-old's name is Alex from what I know and he drove me to go get my stuff from the car. I was handcuffed of course, but it was still a nice thing to do. He also let me use a storage room as my bedroom area.

It's the size of a small bedroom and has several boxes full of munchies in it.

I put the sleeping bags in the corner to use as a bed, put all of my books and journals along the opposite corner and all my clothes are in bens by the door. I also used old teen posters from magazines to decorate and put a few garden gnomes by my books for company.

It's actually been nice living here accept for the collectables next door.

And the nightmares.

I started getting them the night I moved here.

~ (Dream state)~

I walk through the empty store. There are no products, just the collectables.

They all look at me through the frosty glass with pleading eyes. Some pound on the glass but most just stare.

In one case there is a little girl holding a Labrador puppy. The puppy sleeps at her feet but she sobs with her hands on the door. I stop at her case and put my hands on the glass next to her's. Her face is only inches from mine and I can see her tears slowly freezing. She looks at me sobbing and patting the glass but does not say a word.

I tug on the handle trying to open it but it is coated in ice crystals. I pound on the glass trying to break it, but the ice has created a layer behind it.

She looks at me with a look of regret and mouths 'Wait'. Then she steps into the back of the case and closed her eyes, a single teardrop gliding down her pail cheek.

(End of dream)

They have different people every time. All as sad as before and all sending the same message.


So I did. Every day I sat in my bedroom, reading or drawing. Sometimes I would talk to Blaine aswell.

From what he's told me, Alex is his step brother who has bullied him since they met. He also is one of the best card players I've ever seen. I play 31 with him every other day and I haven't won once.

Like now. We're both sitting at a folding table on crates playing 31. I have 12 points worth of hearts. I think he's collecting diamonds.

"Thirty one!" he says tossing his cards on the table which are all clubs. I show him my cards and he looks surprised. "You actually got 3 cards of the same thing for once." he says smirking in sarcasm.

"Well if you weren't such a heartbreaker maybe I'd win once or twice." I say shuffling the cards again.

(I'm known for keeping hearts).

He looks around the room."Hey, where's Alex?" he asks getting up.

"I think he went to his collection." I say as memories of the stench and corpses flash through my mind.

"Good. Eliza, I want to make a breakout plan." He said leaning against the door to the store.

I can't even say how surprised I am. Not once has Blaine mentioned leaving or even disagreeing with Alex.

"How do you plan to do it?" I ask expecting him to shrug and make me do all of the work. Instead he points to the ceiling in the corner where a vent is coming off its hinges. "Kickin it classic. I like it." I say setting the cards down.

I move my crate over to the corner and shake the vent. It actually is quite large, We could fit several bags of supplies through it.

I sat on the crate quickly as I heard a dragging sound coming in from outside. "I'm back. I just have to but this one back." Alex said barging a corpse by its neck with a dog collar.

We both stared at him as he walked through the doorway to the cases. He pauses just outside the doorway.

I hear a shot and he falls to the floor, it's shocking. We both walk towards him as a puddle of dark red blood stretches out over the floor.

We are a few feet from the doorway when Deedee pops out pointing a gold pistol that looks more like a movie prop than a weapon. She smiles and I run to hug her while she keeps the gun pointed directly at Blaine's face. After we hug I gesture for her to put the gun down and she does.

"Eliza do you know her?" Blaine asks with an expression that says 'What the fuck just happened?'. I smile at Deedee.

"Ya I know her." Blaine nods and Deedee smiles flipping her Burgundy hair. "Deedee Kandori." She says sticking out her hand. Blaine shakes it and nodds."Blain Robertson." He says smiling.

After that we pack up our stuff and walk outside where Deedee has her jeep waiting. "This is the Swag-mobile. For the Twerkrific only." She says staring at Blaine. "Do you Twerk?" She asked doubtfully. He looks at her like he just figured out her entire personality. "Who doesn't Twerk?" He asked throwing his duffel bag in the trunk and setting in the passenger.

I guess I'm sitting in the back.

"Good answer." Deedee says in a sarcastic manner that makes me think she's flirting.

Blaine catches on and smiles. "So Deedee what's your story?" He asks as we drive towards the opposite side of town.

Deedee looks at him and begins a flirtatious description of herself. "I'm from San Diego, Me and Sylvia went to school together, I love music, Twerking is my game and I'm pretty sure we're the only ones alive." She says smiling and turning the radio until 'Blurred Lines' By Robin Thicke comes on.

I stand up in the backseat looking out from the top. The Starbucks is completely empty for once, and I recognize the area perfectly.

I sit down again and yell "Sleepover at Deedee's!". She is dancing in her seat, "Hell ya!" She screams.

Blaine looks both excited and bored so I start a convo. "What about you Blaine? What are you interested in?" I ask with false enthusiasm. "I'm from here. I like gambling and Xbox, and Im pretty sure I'm single." He said smirking at Deedee who flips her hair and pretends no to notice.

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