What is Even Going On?

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The room is spotless and is full of pillows, some white others patterned.

I step inside and notice some movement in the light as I hear a rattle and am suddenly in the ground. "OMG you're here!!" Says a squeaky but monotone voice. As Georgia-Rose flips on the light I can see Trinity's messy bun and nerdy little smile. I nod and look around the room.

Blaine is leaning against the opposite wall with a smirk which I can tell is covering up a glare of irritation. I smile as Deedee walks over with hands on her hips and wide eyes, "Took you long enough." She is so sarcastic. She gives me a 'Genuine Hug' as she calls it which means no violence or dirty tricks involved. I look over the entire room and see in the corner one person I never expected to see again.


Just the sight of him is enough to push me over the edge, hearing his rattles breathing is worse. As his glance meets mine I feel a power stronger than a Semi push through me. I walk over to the corner where he is slouching in the floor.

I can't believe this.

I can't try to fight him, I couldn't even win Trin in a fight and she's only 5'0. I am powerless for the first time in years and I can't even move. I breath long and look him in the eyes which are a clouded blue, he looks like a psycho.

He just stares in an attitude filled smirk. "What are you looking at?" He asks. This makes me loose it.

He killed her. Kidnapped me. Killed at least 13 others. And now has the guts to speak to me.

I don't know what to do until I feel the knife in my pocket. I thought I dropped it, I'm almost sure I dropped it. As I pull it out I see it's covered in blood from the arm that choked me.

I can feel Trin's eyes on me and it's easy to tell she doesn't know.

He sees it and pushes me away as he gets up to his full height. He grabs the knife and throughs it to the side, cutting himself in the process.

I scream and kick at his shins although he seems in affected. Trin grabs my arm and I look at her. She looks strange and I can't read her expression.

I run through the door. And at that moment I am completely ready to leave them until I can hear it. The voice in my head saying no. I can't leave. But within seconds I truly hear it. Not a voice a scream.

Deedee grabs my arm and looks proud as she drags me back to the room. I see Alex lying on the ground with a knife in his shoulder. I look at Deedee and can't help but wonder why she didn't kill him before I got here.

She smiles slyly. "I didn't have a knife."

Blaine is leaning over his brother with his hands on the knife as Trin yells "NOO!" She knows about these things. You don't take the knife out if you're stabbed. More blood gushes as Alex's black shirt begins to soak with blood and Trin begins to cough.

They haul Alex off to a medical center although blood-loss is hard to treat without a blood transfusion, not to mention the messy stab wound.

The blood stains the concrete floor and we are taken out so it can be cleaned.

Right now we sit outside the "Key Booth" as Georgia-Rose called it at a metal picnic table. Trin hasn't been able to take her meds so she was taken to the infirmary too and hopefully they'll have the right meds.

"Well what happend?" I ask with general confusion. Blaine looks more confused than I am confused "Could you be more specific?" I roll my eyes at him, he seems annoying and frankly I'm not in the mood to put up with it. "How'd you get here?"

Deedee straightens up, popping her knuckles. "We were all in the party room and dancing and stuff when that girl and some other neon haired freaks ran in. They had guns and stuff and said they needed "Blaine and Deedee" to come with them. So we did." She says getting a little irritated as she describes the abduction. "Then we got in this like Car thing and... I guess they drugged us cause-" Deedee cuts in. "It was chloroform. We woke up in this room and were like handcuffed to the floor. They made us answer some questions then-" "The carried Trin in and Alex. He didn't recognize me so I just played it cool till I got a weapon." Blaine blinks and sips his Mountain Dew.

"That's all you know? Didn't they tell you anything, what about Trin?" I ask. They had to have told them something.

"Just that, Trin didn't tell us anything she just said we needed to find you." What is going on? My friends just got abducted and have no idea what's happening.

"Well I'm gonna pay her a visit."

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