38. Infinite

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I woke fully from the dream to tears streaming down my face and they car unmoving. I sit up and look through the seats to where Luna,Terra and Jona were sitting. I begin to panic, fearing an abduction has taken place.

I look out the windshield and see we're in a stretch of road smack between Red Bluff and Durango Valley. The road is diminished and there are fields surrounding us covered in tall yellow grass. I get out the side door with Deedee's gold bedazzled pistol and look around for someone.

I see Terra and Jona a little farther down the road and Luna is looking at a different map in the hood.

"Hey. Why are we stopped?" I ask noticing the slightly cooler air and darker sky. Luna looks stressed as she yawns. "We ran out of gas we're somewhere on the highway." I take out my phone and check the time.

"It's not already 4:00pm is it?" I ask with shock.

She nods and looks a little panicked.

"We're stuck on a highway with no food or water or gas and probably at night." Luna says without any glimpse of happiness.

"There aren't any gas stations for miles do we can't push it and they can't get a hold of anyone at JuV." She continues as I see Terra and Jona walk closer down the road.

"Well......" I wait for a second hoping my mind will form an idea of some kind.

My phone has 3G here.

"I'll call an old friend." I say

It's probably the most awkward thing ever to call up the popular girl of your middle school who you never really talked to and ask for a ride. It's awkward and that's all I can say.

"Hello?" A happy yet funny voice asks. She is constantly happy it seems.

"Hey Stella, It's Eliza. Look me and some of my friends ran out of gas on our way back from Durango Valley." I say as I literally start fidgeting from Awkwardness. I've always been a little antisocial.

"Oh Ummmnn....." She says and I'm really hoping it's awkward for her two because if it's only awkward on my end than... ughhh.

"Look we can't get a hold of anyone else and I know we're not friends or anything but we don't have a way back." I say sounding honest.

In this moment I can't help but think of the few times I have talked to her. Most of them were her being nice and me being really snarky. Now that I think about it I was kind of mean to her...... and a lot of other people.

"Ya... okay.. Ummn I'll send Riley. I'm busy." She says and once again AWKWARD. I nod even though she can't see me and she hangs up.

Jona and Terra lean up against the car's hood as I shove my phone back in my pocket. "Who's coming to get us?" Luna asks with an irritated and interested tone.

"Riley Shanes. She's this super smart girl from my school. She was always a little rude to me but she was funny so she's not that bad." I say walking to the trunk and grabbing the Cheetos from my backpack.

"Well at least we won't die." Jona says faking enthusiasm.

I smile.

"It's four o'clock and I'm on fire! It is so hot out here." Terra exclaims, her hair is not in a braid anymore but is spread over her shoulders.

As she says that the dream comes to mind and I remember the flames of the JuV and the twin looking incredibly desperate for help.

"Ya. How long do you think It'll be till she gets here?" Luna asks smoothing her hand over her bandaged arm.

"Well, she used to be late for class almost everyday. How long did it take to get there again?" I ask tired. I hate sleeping in the daytime because it makes me feel groggy.

"It took like.........two or three hours I think but we're already an hour out of town so it should take her about an hour and a half." Terra says sitting in the driver's seat. It's less hot in the car's shade so I sit in the back seat behind the passenger.

I begin looking through my bag to see what I packed.

My phone charger


The large knife Erin gave me

All my notebooks

The paintball pistol

The snake pistol

The bedazzled pistol

Some clothes


And some assorted books.

It's all the essentials and some extra stuff. I decide to listen to Britney Spears' Femme Fatal album because it's on my Playlist for when it's hot outside. I have musical playlists for just about every type of mood I can be in including when I'm irritated because it's hot.

After an hour and a half of listening to Diva pop music and playing Flappy bird I rip the earbuds out of my ears.

"Is she hear yet?" I ask Luna who is sitting in the passenger seat in the front reading.

"Nope. She needs to get here fast though." Luna retorts setting her book down to turn up the radio.

"I'm literally so bored." I say wining and looking over Jona's shoulder at his phone screen which is settled on Eminem's last album. I used to listen to Eminem, I liked Rap God especially. Trinity's dad was majorly into Eminem so Trinity knew every song by heart.

I stick my earbuds back in and turn on The Marshall Mathers LP2 on starting with Bezerk. It fits my mood right now, I know most of his song The Monster but only bits of some other ones. Trinity was an Eminem lover, I knew Nicki Minaj by heart, Bailey lived to the Frozen album, and Deedee was obsessed with Kendrick Lamar. Bailey usually just liked the popular songs not unknowns.

I try to get on Facebook, usually the cell towers don't work.

I post pictures and like some statuses until Riley Pulls up in a blue truck. I couldn't have planned it better.

We all get out and throw our stuff in the backseat. Jona takes one look at Riley's high cheekbones, blond locks and crop top and volunteers to sit in the front. Luna decides to keep an eye on them from the back seat while Me and Terra lie down in the back.

I've never rode in the back of a truck but I think It'll be fun. I pull my earbuds out of my phone and stick them in my pocket the, blast Fergalicious by Fergie. As the truck starts I clutch the phone to my stomach.

Riley as it turns out is a super fast driver and within five minutes the sky above us is one big blur of dark blue and white. Terra sits up quickly as White Walls by Macklemore comes on and her Pink and Blond hair swish out of her face and fall behind her in a stream.

I sit up looking briefly aback at the road behind us. The wind blows into my face and I hand my phone to Terra who smiles as I carefully stand to my full 5ft2inch heigh.

The wind blows past me quickly to give me the impression of flying. Its lovely and amazing.

When I first say Emma Watson do it in The Perks of Being a Wallflower the people I was watching it with were saying how dangerous it was and that one bump could kill you.

I threw my hands up in the air and smiled Terra stuck my phone in her pocket and stood up with me with our arms straight out and the wind in our hair.

"And In that moment we were infinite." We both say in sync.

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