19. Gift-Giving

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My room is average size with a blue bed and grey walls. And other than that it's empty.

I walk to the bed and unzip my hoodie as Beautiful Chaos falls to the ground. I pick it up.

To most people only having the third book in a series would be pointless, but it's my favorite of the series.

I set it , my hoodie and phone on the ground next to my bed. I try to stay awake but the pillow is too soft and the air is too cold.

I suspect it's about 1:00am when I awake to a thumping noise. It sounds like jumping or something.

I walk into the hallway and hear Eminem blasting from Trinity's room. I walk in and see her room is at least twice as big as mine and is painted white, even the floors.

There is about 10 people in it and all are joining Trinity in a fist-pumping mob. I see Deedee and Blaine as well as Georgia-Rose and that guy I stabbed....what was his name again?

Trin walks up to me with a hazy smile "Dance Party!!" She yells in my face. I fist pump and bounce around a little before a dark-skinned girl yells over the group.

"Twerk-off!!!" Everyone looks at her and she takes off her pink flat-billed hat and gives a piece of paper to everyone. I write my name on mine and put it in the hat.

I can't help noticing Blaine is the only guy here.

The girl pulls out two paper pieces and begins laughing. "Nina and Ridley." Ridley has on a short black tue-tue and a gold flat-bill. She laughs as the group makes a circle around the girl, I guess Nina, and Ridley. Trin hands me her iPod and speaker.

I put on the Twerk anthem.

"Gas Pedal, Bitches!!" I yell.

It takes about 3 minutes for Ridley to surrender and come over to me for a failure high five.

"Can you Twerk?" She asked.

I nod and glance around the room.

She bats her eyelashes which are lined with a flashy black swirl towards the end, it almost looks hypnotic. "You aren't exactly in party attire." She says surveying my ripped jeans and red T-shirt.

"I haven't got my stuff yet." I say looking around the room to avoid the awkward silence. "Oh ya. I volunteered to take you tomorrow to get your stuff and initiation." She says smiling and grabbing my arm as her blue eyes grow wide.

"What initiation?" I ask with confusion. Initiation reminds me of Divergent, jumping off trains, fighting to the point of submission and hanging over a chasm by your fingertips.

I cringe.

"It's a test-period, one week just to see if you'll be good at the job." She smiles and I know that I've only just met her, but for some reason I trust her.

It can't be that bad.

After about 2 hours of twerking, drink concoctions, and Chatting with Ridley I decide to get some sleep so I walk to my room.

When I unlock the door I glance around the room trying to grasp the idea that I live here now, in a grey box.

I look at the bed where a cardboard box sits right in the middle. I crack my knuckles as I sit down on the bed. The knife sits in my jacket by my bed and I begin to cut the duck tape sealing it shut.

The box contains several items:

A deck of cards

A water bottle filled

A blue flashlight

Two mini bags of Cheetos

Some coins

And a bigger knife, the blade is scratched and about 6 inches long.

I hold it in my hands and wonder where the box came from. Ridley was still at the party, Deedee and Blaine don't know the place well enough to find stuff and Georgia-Rose doesn't seem like a very gift-giving person.

I take the cards from their box and it reminds me of Bailey.

We played cards all the time, usually for cash.

I wonder what happened to her. What her last thought was.

She didn't deserve to die like that. Alone in a grocery store with nothing to do but wait.

Maybe when this is all over we'll burry her right. At the cemetery under a tree, with fake flowers and yards ornaments, maybe a candle.

But will with ever be over? Or is that just some pipe-dream.

In the box there is a piece of White construction paper with a Sun-like symbol in black paint on one side.

I run my fingers over it as I flip the page to another side. In a scratchy handwriting a message is inscribed.

Good luck! you'll need this tomorrow. Remember the obvious is the most sought after.


I look at the note for only a moment before flipping off my bed for my jacket. I fumble around for it until I find the right pocket.

The note from this morning is still there. I check the time on my phone and realize how late it is, 2:69am.

I compare the handwriting in the notes and realize they're from the same person.


But who is that? Who is she though? I mean I've never even met someone named Erin. I guess I'll ask Ridley tomorrow before initiation.

I set the notes and box by my bed in a pile and lay down for the second time by now the music is gone and the room is dark other than a nightlight I see in the corner. I stare at the ceiling until my eyes close and my thoughts drift.

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