14. Dreams of Strange

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She has a metal bat and has no problem coming at me with it. I jump up instantly and lean against the wall as she swings at my head. I bend to dodge it and take out my knife which I can feel in my back pocket. She looks at me with black lined eyes and her red hair in a braid. She sees the knife and hits me in the neck which I admit, totally hurts.

The door is still opened. I run past her towards it while slashing her in the arm. I run through the doorway pausing to take in the sunlight, a dumb ass move.

An arm is trapping me in a choke hold cutting off my air supply. I open my eyes wide hoping that I can see past the dark spots. I have no such luck as I grab at the arm of my assailant. I run out of breath as I start to scream as loud as I can. A small cry escaped but not enough to grab attention. I jabbed the arm with my knife and felt my mind go fuzzy. My vision blurred and my eyes began tearing up. As I began choking and slipping out of consciousness I heard the knife fall from my hands in a silent clatter.

At that moment I fell into another strange sleep of which was more normal for me. A strange visual dream, like I was seeing it through a foggy window but I could hear the voices clearly and observe an event without being seen.


Four people sit on the concrete floor all reading the same tattered black book in a huddle.

One girl has unprofessionally dyed hair in a pail blond color.

An average heigh guy sits next to her a few feet away with scruffy black hair and a gold nose ring.

A girl sits on the other side of him with perfectly curled long purple hair and eyeliner that carries down to her cheekbones in a contrast to her pail skin.

Next to her sits a tall guy who could be my age, with naturally dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

The room they are in appears to be bare except for the tall fencing that is used as walls for the area. They are in a cage of sorts, I now realize. As they read I watch their expressions go from saddened to confused. Although they still seem very unfeeling.

The vision shifts.

The book has warn white pages that are cluttered with a strange script in black ink. It is full of loops and what seems like random dashes. The girl in the center with purple hair is humming an eery tune.

A small object is thrown over the fence by the red headed girl who is laughing loudly with an kind yet ignorant grin. The blond haired guy picked it up.

It was a piece of collapsible metal in the shape of a cube with engravings on each side. He inspected it with careful eyes and an assured look and handled it to the purple haired girl with the strange eyeliner.

She held it next to the book's page and traced the script with one finger as her eyes darted back and forth. She smiled as the blond girl handed her a sheet of paper and she began writing with a stubby black pencil. After double checking she read:

"What is done is done. The finished complete. A relapse is in fathomable while a source of mercy can be brought from the greatest of minds and kindest of soul. The key to mercy is in the medicine of the smart minded and the efficiency of the solitary mind."

She closed the book and began humming again.


I wake up in a small room with no furniture or light source other than a lightbulb by the door which is painted gray.

My neck feels extremely tight and I see that my feet are chained to a latch in the ground. I run my fingers through my hair which is full of bumps and tangles.

The room is silent and for a second I don't know what action to take until I feel a bump in my pocket. It's my phone which has a large crack in the screen that must have occurred in the struggle. There is also a note that reads in scratchy handwriting:

You might be able to help but act calm until night when Ridley will find you. Have faith and you will be safe.

Erin Demonico.

I fold it back up and turn on my phone which is connected to a wifi network. I don't doubt for a minute that I'm in JuV. I was choked to unconsciousness and hit with a metal bat, where else would I be.

I go onto Twitter and look at Blaine's profile and see his last tweet:

Where is Trinity when you need her?

It is oddly short and does not help with my curiousness or begin to explain the note.

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