24. Represent!

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"She's in a coma." I say to Blaine as he hovers over me and Terra.

They still have to get their flags.

I could try to take care of Trin and maybe get a hold of Ridley.

"Guys go I'm gonna try to call Ridley, take some weapons." I say quickly.

Blain throughs the items into the sand, even the water.

As soon as I see it I grab it and pour it down Trinity's throat.

Her eyes flutter and she begins to cough as her face becomes only slightly less pale. I sigh as her cheeks turn a rosy pink and I know she is fine.

"Trin?" Blaine says as her eyes open and she looks tired.

"Ya." She says back in a shaky whisper.

She sits up and looks healthy but not good enough to stay here.

I need to get her back to the infirmary.

We all decide that she is not well enough and that I'll take her back to the JuV.

I have a strange hunch and walk back to the long hallway which I now see has a security camera in the left upper corner.

"Ridley, Trinity is injured and we have both completed initiation so I'm requesting we be returned to JuV." I say looking into the camera lends.

It takes me a few seconds but eventually my phone begins ringing loudly with a blocked number and I am thankful Ridley is our instructor.

The others would not be so compassionate.

"Hello?" I ask in a prematurely relieved voice.

"Hello, I've herd that one of your fellow initiates was injured and you are requesting medical assistance." Says a robotic version of Ridleys voice. She sounds very official, something I haven't heard from her before.

"Yes, I would appreciate permission to be taken out of initiation, on the grounds that I have already proved myself worthy of membership." I say mocking her official manner.

I can hear her eyes rolling through the phone and I can faintly hear her mumble under her breath.

"We will be sending medical assistance and remove both of you from initiation." She says.

I nod even though no one can see me. Well, you know, other than the security camera.

Ridley, Jona and a paramedic named Luna came to get her.

I've been sitting in the EI wing of the infirmary for about 30 minutes while Luna injects Trinity with various vitamin supplements and Jona runs me through the job options in JuV.

"Okay. The main ones are:



Food supplier

And operator.

The first two are pretty much what they sound like but the other two are more complicated." He says moving his hands in the air like he's kneading imaginary dough.

"A food supplier is a cook or sometimes a gardener, you get alright credits for it. An operator is a person who works here, at the key booth, with the captured and stuff like that." He said as Luna walks over to me with a conventionally sized needle.

Ever since the rebels started the infection I've been freaked out by needles.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time for your health shots." Luna says as one of her lavender locks skims the dog collar around her neck.

Despite her intimidating appearance, she is actually quite friendly and innocent acting.

"She doesn't have to get one." Ridley smiles at me with a look of understanding.

Luna nods and walks away.

"Oh and there's also a representative position available." Jona says jumping directly back into our conversation.

"That's me. You represent the JuV population at trading posts and on internet campaigns. You also arrange any deals we have with the other groups in the area." Ridley says sitting down on the couch next to me.

"What are credits?" I blurt without thinking it.

"They're like penny's that all the groups in our area established as currency." Ridley says handing me a coin.

It is identical to the coin that was in the box I received.

"Oh. Which gets payed the most a day?" I ask flipping the coin in my hand.

"You get 30 as an initiate's gift. The highest paying is the representative, abductor, then operator, then scavenger,then food supplier." He says with a smile.

"Representative. I'm a social butterfly." I say giggling at the stupid figure of speech.

Terra laughs as her and Blaine stumble through the door.

"Hey guys, we decided we want to be representatives too." Terra says.

They've obviously been eavesdropping but I guess that's just a given in a place like this.

Jona frowns. "There's only two representative job openings."

Blaine shrugs with the implied smirk.

"I'll scavenge." He says.

I con feel my eyes get huge as I notice Blaine's arm around Terra's upper back.

When I first met him there were no girls around but me, and he didn't act all flirty like that. But, in the past week I've noticed his charisma and personality.

He raises his eyebrows at me and lowers his arm slowly.

I pop my knuckles in an attempt to suppress my irritation.

"K, what's Trinity going to do?" I ask glancing at Trin who is laying in the twin bed, in a coma like state on vitamin injections.

"She's going to be weak once she wakes up, and it could be a week until she even does." Luna says sitting down at the desk to fill out papers.

"What about after that? Will she ever be completely healthy? I mean obviously the infection, but....." Ridley shoots me a look, I'm not supposed to talk about the cure.

Luna frowns as Terra takes a seat next to Trinity on the bed.

"The coma is even more dangerous when paired with the infection so she could be be weak for a while." She pauses to glance up.

"But with the right diet and vitamins she'll be fine eventually."

I hear Blaine exhale in a sigh of relief, I'm not in the mood for his attitude.

"Well I'm gonna go get some rest and Look for Deedee. I'll be back down later." I say rushing out of the room with my backpack.

I walk through the hall to the lobby where a large group of people are passing around a blue can.

Erin walks up to me carrying it with a lazy grin on her face.

I smile as she leans on my shoulder.

"You passed,bitch!" She says as all the others cheer and I nod.

"Ya I know. I'm in a hurry though so I'll talk to you later."

She frowns.

"Okay but we're having a party in the garden." She says pushing me away.

I nod and walk to my hallway.

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