Walls (Winn Schott)

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Can you write it like the reader is a meta human? I know there aren't meta humans on Supergirls earth, but could you write it like there is?

"What're you doing here? You look like shit." Winn opened his apartment door and I glared at him.

"I know you know what happened." I sighed and limped into his small apartment.

"You went after Supergirl." He mumbled

"She let a wanted alien go." I said bluntly as I opened his freezer and pulled out an ice pack.

"Look, she must've had a reason to do that but tha-"

"He killed multiple people Winn! He's not going to stop just because this cities saviour let him go." I said harshly as I turned around to look at him. I winced as I slowly set the ice pack on my shoulder.

"How do you feel?" He asked

"Don't change the subject." I hissed

"I want to know so I can help." He sighed

"Well I feel like I was thrown into a brick wall." I let out a humourless chuckle "Oh that's right, I was." I rolled my eyes.

"She knows what she's doing." He walked over to one of his cupboards and pulled out a small pill bottle.

"She obviously doesn't." I took the bottle and grabbed two of the pills.

"You don't know what she's going through." He sighed as I swallowed the pills.

"What she's going through? Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know your bff Supergirl had any life issues! I'm sure I would throw someone into a wall if I brought my life problems into the field." I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you hate her? She's doing her best." Winn stated

"I don't hate her! I never have, and you know that! Something is wrong with her, she's sick or something! She is putting the citizens at risk and that is what I hate!" I argued.

"(Y/n)." Winn rubbed his temples.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I giving you a headache? I'll shut up so I don't make it worse." I hissed and lifted the ice pack off of my shoulder and dropped it onto his counter.

"You don't have to go." His eyes followed me as I slowly limped my way towards the door.

"No Winn, I do." I sighed.

"You're bleeding." He motioned to my left leg and walked towards me.

"I'm fine." I shook my head. "I go home and try to fix myself up." I stated

"Why are you leaving?" He asked

"You don't want to even think about the fact that Supergirl might be wrong about some things." I stated

"That's not true." He urged

"Get her checked out or something because this doesn't add up. She went from being National Cities sweetheart to grade A asshole overnight. Just for once in your life, trust me on this." I said as I walked out of his apartment, slowly shutting the door on my way out.


I was sitting on my couch, ready to start watching some good 'ol tv when my phone started ringing from beside me. I looked at the caller ID and rolled my eyes "Hello Winslow." I answered. Winn hasn't even attempted to contact me after I left his apartment. I've texted him, called him; hell I even got thrown against another wall by Supergirl herself just to see if she would tell me anything about his whereabouts.

"You were right." He stated

"Usually am." I chuckled slightly "What about?" I asked

"Supergirl. She was uh." He paused "Poisoned, which is why she was acting the way she was acting. She is doing better now, and she wants to apologize to you." He sighed

"Okay? Why does she want to apologize to me?" I asked

"She feels bad for what she did and how she's been acting." He stated "Could she meet you somewhere?" He asked

"Anywhere without walls." I stated and he chuckled.


"Hey Kara." I smiled as one of Winns friends walked onto the roof of my apartment building. "What're you doing here? Did Winn tell you the wrong time for the roof party? It's not until Saturday." I shrugged before I saw Winn walk through the door.

"Hi (Y/n)." He waved over at me. I looked between Kara and Winn confused until it hit me.

"Supergirl." I mumbled and Kara nodded. "You" I pointed towards Kara and took a step back "You're Supergirl." I narrowed my eyes confused.

"Yes (y/n). I am." She sighed and began to step towards me.

"You know who I am, you know my secret. Yet you continuously fought me. You almost killed me last week!" I backed up some more and tripped over the string lights we had bunched up from the last roof party we had. Winn jogged over to me.

"It wasn't me!" Kara urged.

"It was! Kara you said my name, you knew it was me." I quickly stood up, brushing Winns hand away from me. "I have to go." I hurried past him and Kara. I was almost at the door when Kara flew over and landed in front of it, separating me from my exit.

"(Y/n) please forgive me. I didn't want to hurt you." Kara reached out and rested her hand on my shoulder. I reached up and lifted it away from me and pulled her away from the door.

"Just leave me alone alright." I shrugged. "The both of you can just, stay away from me from now on." I looked back towards Winn. I shook my head as I ran down the stairs from the roof and to the elevator at the end of the hall on the top floor of my building. Tears were falling down my cheeks by the time the elevator doors opened.   

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