Us Part Three (Winn Schott x Reader)

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The wind was whipping my hair around and I came to terms with what was about to happen. I was going to die. I felt like I hit the ground and I peeked open my eyes. Instead of me falling to my death, I was flying.

"Su-Supergirl." I breathed.

"I'm taking you somewhere safe." Kara stated

"I'm alive?" I looked around as Kara and I flew up above National City.

"Of course you are. I wouldn't let you die." She stated as we landed in front of a tall building.

"Thank you." I said quietly as she helped me stand up straight. "I thought we were going somewhere safe?" I asked as we walked in.

"Welcome to the DEO. You'll be safe here." She led me inside the front doors and down a set of stairs. I wrapped my arms around myself and attempted to stop myself from shaking.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't bring random people around here anymore." A taller man walked over to Kara with his arms crossed over his chest.

"The white martian just threw her over a balcony at Catco, we need to look her over." Kara stated. "Anyways she's a friend of mine. We can trust her." She said and looked back at me. I knew everyone was looking at me and I tensed up and stared at the ground.

"You heard Supergirl. Someone take her upstairs to check and make sure she's alright." I heard a familiar voice and glanced up.

"Alex." My eyes widened confused. I really shouldn't be confused, of course Kara's sister knows she's Supergirl.

I felt a hand grip my upper arm and I quickly pulled my arm away.

"Don't touch her." I heard Winns voice then saw him running down a hall towards me. As soon as he was close to me he pulled me into his arms. He took a step back and brushed my hair away from my face and wiped his thumbs under my eyes, wiping away the tears that had fallen.

"I thought he was you." I choked out before I started crying. He pulled me back into his arms and I gripped his shirt in my hands.

"I'm sorry." He kissed my head. "I'm so sorry." He said with a wobbly voice.


Winn ended up being the person who led me to the DEOs medical room. I was hooked up to some machines and got some blood taken. It was about an hour until they told Kara, Alex and Hank Henshaw that I was fine and that I will just have a slight bruise on my waist from where Kara caught me, but overall I was just a bit shaken up.

"So what now?" I asked

"You'll stay here." Hank stated "The alien that attacked you is know as a White Martian. It's going after anyone that's close to Supergirl." He explained

"It attacked Winn, then shape-shifted into him to get to you." Kara sighed

"Our guess is it's going to shape-shift into you and go after someone else." Alex said.

"Who would it go after as me?" I asked. I looked around the room. "Everyone I know that is close to you is in this room." I stated before Karas phone started to ring. She quickly left the room to answer the phone. James shifted uncomfortably as he leaned against the wall and looked at the ground. We had never been close but we were friends. It's been weird not talking to him, considering I used to be the photojournalist for Catco before he came along. Once he was hired I was slowly transitioned to normal journalist, but I still went out with him one in a while when he went to take photos for the front page.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he glanced up at me.

"Hmm?" He asked

"What's up with you?" I asked

"I uh. I took a picture for the Cat." He stated

"Very descriptive." I rolled my eyes

"I took a picture of you falling from the Catco balcony okay. Are you happy?" He pushed himself away from the wall and was about to leave the room when Kara entered looking panicked.

"The White Martian is with Cat Grant." Kara entered the room and looked towards Hank Henshaw.

"How do you know?" He asked

"She just called to thank me for setting up an interview with (Y/n) so soon after the incident." She said worried.

"You go to Catco, we'll follow you." Hank stated "Winn, James and (Y/n) you guys stay up here. We need to make sure that this alien doesn't try to get one of you guys again." He said before Alex, Kara and him left the room.

"So you two were attacked. That leaves Alex, Hank, and me." James spoke up.

"They're going to get the White Martian before it even has a chance to get to you." I sighed

"They knew it was here before it went after you." Winn said quietly.

"They knew it was going to go after you as Winn." James blurted out. I stared over at him confused.

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