Stay Calm. (Mon-El x Reader)

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Request: Mon-El and (Y/N) get trapped inside of Cadmus, and they drain (Y/N) of her Kryptonian powers, nearly killing her. They let Mon-El go, but only to bring (Y/N) back and prove they are not to be trifled with. Kara yells at him, knowing (Y/N) would protect Mon-El no matter what. While running some tests they learn something that I'm not going to spoil ;)

Words: 985

"(Y/n) please stop! You don't have to do this!" Mon-el screamed at me from inside the cage that Cadmus had locked him in. I ignored his plea and continued to use my heat vision which was obviously the stupid thing to do. I felt myself lose my strength, so much so that I fell to my knees. My body started to shake and I dropped my head into my hands. I heard the screeching of the cage door being opened and felt arms wrap around me. "What do you want from us?" Mon-El yelled.

Mon-El Pov

"We have all we need." One of the men that was holding us captive stated before the three men in the room grabbed a hold of (Y/N) and I and drug us out of the building and threw us into the back of a van.

I don't know why, but my powers were still out. Nothing worked. I couldn't even kick open the back door to the van we were in. Right now, (Y/n) is lying unconscious in my arms and I'm trying to figure out what they're going to do with us.

The van came to a hard stop and the back door flew open.

"Get out." One of the men instructed. While the other one climbed into the back of the van and tried to pick (y/n) up out of my arms. I glared at him and he stepped back. I slowly made my way out of the truck, (Y/n) still in my arms. The guy that opened the back door reached into his pocket and pulled out my cell phone and placed it in the pocket on my shirt. "You tell them to stop trying to stop Cadmus. Or next time you'll end up dead." He stated and both of the guys got back into the van and sped off. I looked around and realized we were dropped off at the corner across the street from CatCo. It was dark, had to be passed midnight. I looked around again to see if there was anyone around, when I realized the streets were vacant I tried to run, and thankfully my powers were back, so I ran as fast as I could.

I ran to the DEO and as soon as I landed I ran inside, screaming for anyone that could help (Y/n). J'onn was the first person to run up to us. He started instructing DEO agents to go get the med room ready and to set up the lamp that simulated the rays from earth's sun.

"Take her upstairs." He instructed me calmly. I nodded and carried her up the stairs and into the med room.

Once we got upstairs everything happened so fast. Alex was up there, she told me to lay (y/n) on the bed. Other DEO agents were running around the room. They were setting up the lights, one was trying to stick a needle in her arm.

"She's a kryptonian." Alex barked. She was nervous. Everyone was. The agent got the needle into (Y/n)'s arm and everyone stopped. Alex stared at (y/n). "Everyone out." She muttered.

"Alex what's wrong?" I stepped over to her.

"I need everyone out." She said again and the DEO agents scrambled out the door.

"Alex." I muttered "Let me help her." I said quietly.

"I have to do tests. Go tell Kara what happened. She should be here soon." Alex stated calmly.

"Mon-El!" I heard Kara call from out of the room. I looked back and saw her running towards the room. I looked back at (Y/n) once more before I walked out of the room. "What the hell did you do?" Kara pulled me into one of the empty conference rooms.

"I-I didn't do anything." I sighed. It was true. I didn't do anything, I was locked in a cage unable to help her.

"Then why is she like that? What caused her to get hurt?" She asked

"Cadmus." I stated "They kidnapped us and drained (Y/n) of her powers."

"Wha-What do you mean Cadmus kidnapped you? How are you here if they kidnapped you? They wouldn't have just let you go?" Kara started pacing

"They told me to tell you to stop trying to stop them, or they'll kill us." I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

"Why did they drain (Y/n)?" Kara asked "and let you go only to threaten us?" She sighed "what did they do to you?" She turned to me.

"They shot me in the arm with lead bullets. But they only did that to convince (Y/n) to user her heat vision." I looked in the direction of the med room. I couldn't see anything but I just have a bad feeling. I should be in there with her.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I pulled the bullet out. I'm fine now."


Kara and I were standing outside on the balcony at the DEO when we heard someone behind us. We turned around to find Alex smiling at me.

"How is she?" I asked

"Well she's still unconscious, but when this happened to Kara she had to be under the lights for almost twelve hours. But other than that, she is doing good." Alex smiled "I actually have some news to share with you." She pointed at me.

"Should I leave?" Kara asked and motioned back into the DEO.

"It's good news. So it's up to Mon-El." Alex stated

"You can stay then." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Okay. So are you ready?" Alex smiled excitedly.

"I haven't seen you this excited since you first started dating Maggie." Kara chuckled

"Mon-El, remember to stay calm." Alex looked at me seriously. "(Y/n) is pregnant." She smiled

"She's what?" I smiled tremulously.

"She's having a baby." She said excitedly and Kara hugged me from the side as I stood still smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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