Walls Chapter Two (Winn Schott x Reader)

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A few weeks have passed since everything happened between Kara, Winn and I. The two of them have been trying to get me to talk to them for weeks, Kara actually butt in on an arrest I was assisting in just so she could try to talk to me. She distracted me and the perp actually was able to run off. Kara wouldn't let me chase after him until she spoke to me. After she finished saying whatever she wanted to say, she flew off and caught the guy, she stole the spotlight and got front page on the paper for catching National Cities most wanted human criminal. She then called me and left a message apologizing for that. Winn on the other hand has stopped by my apartment, my day job, and has actually used DEO technology to track my location so he could try and bump into me. Today though, today was different.

"(Y/n) open up." I heard James Olsen knock on my apartment door.

"It's open." I called and flipped to the next page of my book.

"Not even going to ask if I'm alone this time?" I looked over towards my door and saw James walking in.

"What's up?" I asked and he pulled some papers out of his bag.

"Have you heard from Winn recently?" He asked and I raised a brow at him. "I mean has he tried to get into contact with you? We haven't seen him around for the passed few days." James sighed and set some papers down in front of me.

"No, I haven't heard from him." I glanced at the papers. "What're these?" I asked when I saw the photos on the papers

"These are some metahumans and aliens from Central City that have made their way here and from around here. Have you ever had a run in with any of them? How dangerous would it be to go up against one of them?" He asked

"Did Winn go up against one of them?" I asked

"He said he got a hold of you and that you agreed to meet with him. I grabbed any files I could find on new metahumans and aliens. I know how you can hold a grudge so I knew you wouldn't have agreed to meet up with him." James stated

"What about Kara, has she not flown all over the city trying to find him?" I ask as I scanned through the files.

"She has looked all over town, even flew to Central City to check and see if anyone would've taken him there." James sighed

"How about the sewers?" I picked up a file and aimed it in James' direction.

"You know this one?" He asked and grabbed the file from me

"An old friend of mine." I stood up

"Frenemy." James stood up

"She's done this before. How long has he been mia?" I asked and walked over to my closet and grabbed my jacket

"He's been gone for a couple days. She's done what before? Kidnap programmers?" James followed me

"Sure. Let's stick with that." I nodded and we both left my apartment. 'I'm going to search the sewers. Tell Kara to suit up, and to get prepared for winter." I stated

"Fire vs ice. That's why your enemies." James chuckled.

"Not the best time to laugh. Last time she did this, the guy didn't make it out of there alive." I sighed

"And you knew him." James stated.

"I've gotta go find Winn. Go get Kara." I ignored his question and ran off.


I walked through the sewers underneath National City, it had started to get colder the further I walked, but that could just be due to the fact that I'm underground. I don't know what the normal temperature is for in the sewers. I held my hand up in front of me and my hand was engulfed in a flame.

"Why do sewers have to be so dark." I mumbled to myself as I stepped around a pile of wet trash. As I stepped around the trash I accidently stepped in a puddle. "Son of bitch." I hissed

"Hello! Is someone in here?" I heard Winns hoarse voice.

"Winslow?" I called

"(Y/n)?" He called

"Winn where are you?" I began to run towards the voice. "Winn!" I yelled when I didn't get a reply from him. I was about to reach the end of the pipe I was in when I started to slide along a thin strip of ice. "Frost." I growled as I crashed into the wall in front of me.

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