Charades (Winn Schott x Reader)

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Winn is trying to propose but keeps getting interrupted until he finally had enough and just kind of yells out loud that he's trying to propose and be romantic for once in his life.

Game night. Room was filled with tension. It was guys vs gals, and let me tell you, the gals were kicking ass. For some reason Winn thought it'd be great to invite everyone to our house to game night, and invite a few other people tonight. So instead of it being Kara, Alex, James, Winn and I. It was the regulars plus Hank, Mon-El, Maggie. Not that I wasn't thrilled to have all of our friends here, it was just... Cramped. Winn and I shared a studio apartment that was a bit smaller than Karas apartment.

We've been playing charades normally, one of the girls would act something out and we would guess, then it'd go to the guys and back and forth, I don't need to explain all of the rules cause I mean, it's charades.

"I have an idea." James stood up from the chair he was sat on.

"Is this a part of his turn?" Kara asked quietly.

"No talking!" Alex laughed and I threw a piece of popcorn at him.

"Hear me out!" James laughed

"Go on." Hank crossed his arms over his chest and looked over at James.

"What if we all write things down in a hat, then when we one of the things out of the hat we have to act it out to the other team and if they don't guess within the minute your team gets the point?" James suggested.

"Could be fun." Winn said quickly. I raised a brow in his direction and he shrugged.

"I'm in." I chuckled. Everyone else agreed and Winn hopped up off of his seat and walked to the kitchen to find paper and pens. I stood up and followed. "Hey hot Schott." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey sweetheart." He smiled at me. "What're you doin'?" He asked

"Figured I'd give you a hand gathering supplies." I chuckled and let go of him. I walked over to the small drawer next to the fridge and pulled it open. I grabbed the small notebook I kept in the drawer to make my shopping lists and grabbed a handful of the pens and markers I stashed away.

"When did you start storing all of our stationary in that drawer?" He asked with a smirk

"After you wrote on our windows with a permanent marker." I chuckled

"That was one time!" He laughed

"It took me two hours of scrubbing to get your scribbles off the window!" I walked towards him.

"Those scribbles were for supergirl." He muttered

"Poor muffin. You now have your own whiteboard to work on here." I smiled

"It takes up most of the room." He sighed and we walked around around the whiteboard and back into the living room.

"It's a nice room divider." I shrugged. I walked to the small side table that was in the middle of everybody and set down the notebook and writing utensils. Everybody reached for aoen or pencil while James grabbed the notebook.

"Mind if I tear a few pages out?" James held the book in the air and motioned it towards me.

"Yeah go ahead. I've got more notebooks." I smiled. James began to rip out pages and pass them around, everyone then continued to rip the pages they had in half. Winn jogged to our closet and came out a few seconds later with a baseball cap. Everyone tossed their actions into the hat and sat back down.

"Okay, girls first!" Kara smiled and jumped up out of her seat ad stuck her hand in the baseball cap and pulled out a sheet of paper and reads what was written on it. "Okay who wrote this one. This is the easiest one." Kara rolled her eyes and points to herself.

"Kara?" James looked at her confused

"Supergirl." Winn chuckled. Kara nodded.

"Who wrote that?" She asked and looked around the group as she sat back down on her chair. After nobody spoke up she spoke up again. "C'mon who wrote Supergirl?" She laughed. Slowly James, Hank, Alex, Winn and I raised our hands. "You mean there's more in there!" She exclaimed with a laugh.

"Your turn Winn." I chuckled and pointed at my boyfriend. He looked around nervously before he stood up. He walked over to James who sat across from me and pulled a page from the hat, or I mean it looked like he did his back was turned towards me.

"I can do this one. This'll be uh.. It should be easy." Winn spun around and crumpled up the page and stuffed it in his pocket. He stood in front of me and smiled nervously.

"C'mon hot Schott it's charades, you rock at this." I encouraged him. He wiped his hands on his shirt and I looked at him confused. He only gets clammy hands when he's nervous. What is he so nervous about?

"We don't have all night Winn." Alex smiled at him. He nodded and started to act. He quickly knelt down onto one knee.

"Tying your shoe!" Kara shouted

"Picking something up?" Maggie looked at him confused

"The bend and snap." I laughed and he looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"Cleaning your pants" Kara suggested and Winn dug in his pocket. "Picking something up! Maggie had to be right!" Kara urged and Winn rolled his eyes.

"I was right?" Maggie smiled and Winn pulled something small out of his pocket and hid it in his hands.

"Burying something?" I tilted my head confused

"Oh that's a good guess!" Kara smiled at me. Winn turned towards me a bit more and looked up at me and opened his hand. My eyes widened and my jaw hung open.

"It's a ring!" Kara said loudly. "Proposing? Are you Proposing!?" Kara stared at him wide-eyed

"Kara please stop guessing and let me be romantic for once in my life." He looked towards Kara and she quickly stopped talking and just stared at us smiling. He turned back to me and chuckled. "I had this romantic proposal planned out but I'm drawing a blank here." He muttered and looked at the ground for a second. "I love you (Y/n). More than anything on earth." He smiled at me

"What about all the other earths." I smirked and he shook his head and laughed then pursed his lips trying to stop his laughter

"More than anything on all the planets in all of the universes." He smiled. "Will you give me the honor and the joy of being your husband?" I smiled down at him and nodded my head

"Yes." I said quietly and he pushed the ring onto my finger. I got off of the chair I was on and knelt on the floor in front of him and kissed him. 

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