IT Guy (Winn Schott x Reader) (Supergirl)

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Words: 991
Can I please request a Winn/Reader with "You're in IT and I keep calling you because you're cute, I actually know exactly how to fix this problem. I may have also intentionally caused this issue just to talk to you." AU Maybe Winn also catches the reader in the middle of setting up the "issue" and reader has to explain them self


I sat leaned back in my chair at my computer desk at work as I nibbled on the end of my pen. I was a bit distracted to say the least. Our printer died and someone from my office called upstairs to the IT guy, and let me tell you, I've never been like the shitty printer but for the amount of times that we've had to call IT, I've grown to love the damn thing.

"Thank you for fixing our printer." My co-worker Cassie smiled at Winn and placed her hand on his shoulder. I wanted to gag. Cassie is the one that always calls him down here and she makes sure she stands with him whenever he's fixing anything. But that's Cassie for you, she flirts with any guy without a wedding ring. I watched Winn smile and turn around to head to the elevator. I quickly sat up straight and tossed the pen I was chowing down on back onto my desk. I started typing away on my computer, I heard Winns footsteps near my desk and I glanced up to see him smiling at me before he walked past my desk. I felt my cheeks heat up and I was thankful the elevator was behind my desk.

I spent my lunch break thinking of a way to get Winn back down to my office so I could talk to him and I think I came up with the perfect plan. I made a virus once back in college, it's nothing too bad, just a pain in the ass. It's easy enough to get off of my computer too so my computer will be fine. I know you're probably wondering (y/n) why are you going to call IT for a virus you made? Good question voice inside my head, I'm doing it so I can play dumb and Winn will have to come fix it. Genius idea.

I sat at my desk as I started to download the virus onto my computer.

"Are you making a virus?" I heard a voice from behind me and jumped. I closed everything I had open on my computer. I heard footsteps behind me walking towards me. Soon enough CatCo's famous IT guy Winn Schott stood beside me looking down at me and my now blank computer screen.

"I uh. I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back in my chair. Winn leaned down and grabbed onto the computer mouse and reopened the applications I was using.

"You are making a virus." He raised a brow at me confused.

"Technically it's already made, I was just making sure it wouldn't damage my computer." I pursed my lips.

"Why the hell are you putting a virus on your computer?" He asked began to scroll through my virus.

"Well I uh. Y'know." I shrugged and moved my hands while I thought up an excuse. He looked at me and smiled.

"Do you have a reason?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I might've done it so I could get a chance to talk to you." I mumbled and stared straight ahead at my computer.

"Really?" I glanced at Winns reflection on my computer screen and he was smiling. "Because I came down here to talk to you." I looked over at him and raised a brow.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked confused

"I was wondering if you would want to grab lunch with me at Noonans tomorrow?" Winn asked and I smiled

"I would love to." I smiled at him.

"Great! I will meet you here at lunch and we can walk down there together." He smiled and stood up. "But first we're going to get rid of this virus." Winn went to click delete the virus when Cassie walked up beside him.

"Hi Winn!" She smiled and Winn jumped slightly not realizing she had walked up. Within seconds my whole floor was filled with people groaning and questioning what the hell is going on.

"You did not just do what I think you did." I placed my hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh.

"I did." Winn muttered.

"Just my floor or the whole building?" I asked just before Winns phone started to ring.

"My guess is the whole CatCo mainframe." He mumbled and rubbed his temples.

"What did you guys do?" Cassie asked

"Nothing." Winn stated

"Okay, well I was thinking maybe you and I could go out for drinks tonight?" Cassie asked Winn.

"I don't think I'd be able to make it. I'm going to be here late." He sighed and Cassie huffed off and Winn  looked over at me. "What does the virus do?" He asked before he walked over to behind one of my coworkers and looked at the computer screen. His jaw dropped and he stared over at me. He walked back over to me trying to conceal a smile. "That is horrible." He laughed.

"What?" I smirked

"Porn ads? How mature." He chuckled.

"Not going to lie, I thought it was the one that just opened up ads so whenever you closed one 5 new ones open in it's place. Oh well. This one is great too." I shrugged.

"I'm going to have to go try to fix this. I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n)." Winn chuckled when he ran past me to the elevator.


"Knock knock." I walked into CatCo's basement office where Winn was sent to get rid of the virus.

"(Y/n), what're you doing here?" Winn glanced up from the computer he was sat behind.

"Well considering the reason you're down here is because of me, I thought I'd bring you dinner and keep you company. Also I'm here to help if you need it." I smiled and held up a brown lunch bag and drink tray from Noonans. Winn smiled up at me.

"Pull up a chair." He chuckled.

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