Us Part Two (Winn Schott x Reader)

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This isn't going to follow the exact timeline of the show

Spoilers about Myriad


A week later Cat Grant actually moved me to a new desk. She said it was because she had had enough of me moping around. Which was weird to hear if I'm being honest, I didn't even know she knew who I was. But I have a new desk, it has a great view though so I can't complain.


I stood up from my desk and pulled the strap on my purse up and over my head. My purse fell to my side and I picked my phone up off of my desk.

"Have a good weekend (Y/n)." Jerry smiled at me while he walked passed me towards the elevator. I smiled over at him.

"You too! Say hi to the wife for me." I chuckled and he nodded,

"Want me to hold the elevator for you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'm going to talk to Cat for a second. Thank you though." Jerry smiled and walked closer to the elevator, I didn't move from my desk until I saw the elevator doors open and close. Once Jerry was gone I walked out onto the balcony. I leaned against the small wall on the balcony and looked out on National City. I held my phone up and quickly took a photo of the sunset.

"We used to love it out here." I gasped and almost dropped my phone over the edge when I heard the voice behind me. I took a step back from the wall and turned towards the door.

"Winn. You scared me." I stated before I unzipped my purse and dropped my phone into the pocket then zipped it back up.

"Sorry." He bit the inside of his lips. "What're you doing here?" He asked

"Just enjoying the view" I shrugged "Or did you get the balcony in the break up?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No I was just-I was just trying to make conversation with you before you left." He sighed.

"I'm not going anywhere?" I raised a brow at him confused.

"I thought I heard that you were going on a trip." He shrugged.

"Must've been someone else." I shrugged and turned back around to looked at the view again.

"Maybe it was Kelly." I turned my head to look at him.

"You insensitive bastard." I hissed. It hasn't even been a month since Non had killed Kelly. Winn chuckled and within seconds he was holding me by my ankle dangling me over the side of the balcony. "Who are you?!" I yelled as shut my eyes, afraid of what was going to happen. My purse was swinging from my arm when I got an idea. I opened my eyes and looked down towards the ground. Forty-two floors down.

"Don't worry I didn't kill your little boyfriend." The monster impersonating Winn chuckled.

"Please don't kill me." I pleaded as I grabbed my purses' strap and began to pull my bag up closer to me. Once it was close enough I wrapped the strap around my hand a few times then unzipped the main compartment and grabbed my phone with my free hand. I quickly found Karas number and sent her a text.


Just as I hit send the alien decided to shake me around a bit which cause my phone to slip out of my hand and fall the forty-two floors to the concrete.

"I'm getting bored." The alien stated. I felt the grip around my ankle start to loosen and I began to shout for help. "Please. No one is going to save you." The alien stated. "This was just for my own enjoyment." He stated before I began to fall. I screamed as I started plummeting towards the ground. 

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