Us (Winn Schott x Reader)

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#001 "There was never an us" Winn ( This was a sentence request from over on my tumblr. If anyone is interested in reading the Sentence Prompts let me know and I will post them in a chapter on this book, but you can also find them in my Flash Imagine book )

Words: 889


I sat at my desk across from Winns at Catco and twirled my pen around in between my fingers. I glanced longingly towards Karas desk where James, Kara and Winn were all standing talking quietly. The James slowly turned around and glanced around the office. When his eyes landed on me he smiled then turned to Winn. He said something to Winn then he and Kara walked off to the elevator. Winn turned around and walked over towards me. "Cat is sending me down to fix the printer down stairs. I'll be back soon." He smiled and leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Don't get ink all over your shirt this time." We both chuckled

"No promises." He smiled widely before he walked off towards the elevator. Being the person that I am, I followed behind him. When he got into the elevator I ran to the stairwell and down to the floor beneath us. I quietly walked out of the stairwell and heard my friends talking.

"So why did you bring us down here?" I heard Kara ask

"To show you your new office." I could hear the smile in Winns voice as I hid behind a corner.

"I think Ms. Grant prefers me to be within yelling distance." Kara chuckled

"Oh, no. Not for that job. For our other job." Winn stated and I scrunched up my nose confused. "This used to be Ed Flaherty's office from actuaries but after he died of a heart attack behind his desk, nobody wants it." I heard a door open and looked around the corner and saw the trio walking into the room. "Which makes it perfect for our needs." Winn finished and I started to tiptoe down the hallway towards the open door. As I got closer Winn began to speak again. "Now, we can't just crowd around your desk every time we want to talk Supergirl stuff, so I loaded this office up with some, uh, state of the art, top of the line tech." I was standing right outside the door by the time he finished his spiel.

"So that was the big secret." I stated as I looked towards Kara and pursed my lips. I nodded my head and bit my lip.

"(Y/n)." Winn spun around and stared at me.

"So you've been bailing on me for Supergirl." I pointed towards Kara.

"I can explain." Winn stepped towards me and I held my hand up to stop him.

"Don't." I shook my head. "I had convinced myself you were cheating on me. But this is some how worse, you spending every damn night with the girl that everyone told me you were madly in love with." I took a step back.

"He's not in love with me." Kara said awkwardly and I looked back at her and chuckled humorlessly.

"I've gotta get back to work." I blinked back the tears that had started to form in my eyes. I spun around on my heels and began to march back to the elevators.

"(Y/n) I've gotta talk to you!" Winn chased after me.

"Don't waste your breath Schott." I wiped away the tears that had fallen and stepped into the elevator. I pressed the button back to my floor.

"You can't tell anyone." He said quickly as he ran into the elevator just as the doors started to close. I laughed.

"Please. You obviously don't know me at all." I ran my hand through my hair. "I wouldn't do that. Never even crossed my mind." I stated. He hit the emergency stop button and the elevator came to a halt. I tried to hit the button again but he moved to stand in front of the buttons.

"You just seem mad so we weren't sure if you would -" I cut him off

"Would give Cat Grant the biggest story she'd ever write?" I looked over at him. I took his silence as an answer. "I have to get back to work Winn." I stated but he didn't move.

"I wanted to tell you." He stated

"Then why didn't you?" I asked

"She didn't want a lot of people to know." He said.

"Why does James Olsen know? I've known her just as long as you have." I stated

"There are reasons as to why he knows." He said quietly and looked down at his shoes. We stood in the elevator in silence before I spoke up again.

"There never was an us." I stated and he looked up. I noticed that he had tears running down his face. "C'mon Winn. You've got to admit it. Ever since Kara showed up we haven't been the same. I see the way you look at her." My voice trembled as I spoke.

"I loved you." His lip quivered. I nodded slowly "What?" He asked

"You just answered my question." I stepped closer to him and reached my hand around behind him and pressed the button to go. I wiped the tears away again and cleared my throat. "Go back to Supergirl." I stated quietly just before the elevator doors opened. "You need her more than ever." I walked out of the elevator. Winn didn't follow me, he took the elevator back down to Supergirls office.

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