Spider vs Man (Winn Schott x Reader)

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AU #14 You went to investigate a scream and found me standing on a chair to avoid a spider
Warnings: Death of a spider. 


1am. Why does annoying crap have to happen at 1am.

I shot up out of bed as a loud scream echoed outside of my door down the hallway of the apartment complex. I pulled open the top drawer of my nightstand and grabbed my police badge and my gun, I hooked my badge onto the collar of my shirt. I ran out of my small studio apartment and into the halls. I heard another scream, it wasn't as loud as the cry for help that woke me up, but I could still hear it. It was from the apartment two doors down from me. I jogged to the apartment and tried to open the door but it was locked, so I kicked in the door. I held my gun up in front of my and held my finger over the trigger.

"This is the police! Put your hands where I can see them!" I walked into the apartment.

"Shit. Shit. Shit" I heard a voice.

"Come out where I can see you with your hands up." I stated

"I-I can't." I heard the voice again. I walked further into the apartment and glanced around the corner to find a man standing on a chair at the end of a bed.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked and looked around the bedroom area.

"Theres a - a" I rolled my eyes

"C'mon pretty boy spit it out" I groaned

"Spider." He stated and I dropped my arms.

"You did not scream bloody murder because of a damn spider." I glared at him.

"It ran across my leg." He said sheepishly.

"Where is it now?" I asked. He pointed towards the wall next to his closet. I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the wall. I formed a fist and slammed it against the wall, killing the spider.

"Thank you." The guy stepped off of the chair he was on and walked over to me.

"I have an early shift today. No more screaming over spiders." I stated and wiped my hand on my pj pants.

"Are you an actual police officer?" He asked.

"Yes." I yawned

"Nice pjs." He smirked and motioned to the Care Bear design on my pants.

"I could say the same to you." I winked and his face slowly turned a shade of red once he realized he wasn't wearing anything but a pair of boxers. I chuckled and turned around to walk away from him and out of his apartment. Sure enough he followed me.

"My name's Winn by the way." He stated

"Officer (Y/L/N). But you can call me (Y/n)." I smiled at him. We got closer to the door and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You broke my door!" He stared at me.

"You woke me up at one in the morning, We're even." I smirked and walked out into the hall. "Might want to get that fixed, I don't want to be woken up again because of an intruder." I chuckled and walked back to my apartment.

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