Walls Chapter Three (Winn Schott x Reader)

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"Frost." I growled as I crashed into the wall in front of me.

"Hey Hot Head how you doin'?" My enemy Killer Frost stood before with her signature smirk plastered on her face.

"How many times do I have to tell you. That is not my name." I stood up straight and rolled my neck from left to right. "Let's get this over with." I groaned

"If you think you're going to beat me and find your precious little boy toy, you've got another thing coming." She shot me in the foot and froze me to the ground.

"Way to play fair." I rolled my eyes at her. I heated up my body temperature until my whole body was engulfed in flames.

"I see you managed to find retardant clothing." She said impressed

"I know a guy." I shrugged before I shot her in the arm with a ball of fire. "Now wheres Winn?" I stepped closer to her as the ice that covered the bottom of the pipe melted around my feet and began to boil. "C'mon Caitlin. Give me Winn and you can go free." I urged

"Now it's my turn to say, that's not my name." She hissed

"Where is he!" I shouted and lunged towards her.

"He's cooling off, I suggest you should do the same." She chuckled.

"If anything happens to him, I will end you." I threatened and grabbed her shoulders and melted the leather jacket that she was wearing. She screamed out in pain before her hands gripped my waist and she shot sharp icicles into my sides. My hands fell from her shoulders as I fell to my knees in pain. The fire that I had started quickly went out and my body went cold.

"I'd stay cool if I were you. Wouldn't want those icicles to melt." She quickly ran off in the opposite direction of me. After Killer Frosts' running footsteps faded I could hear chattering teeth.

"Winn?" I began to pull myself along the wet floor. I got closer to the next pipe and a pile of ice came into view. Winn saw me and began to stutter as he tried to say my name. I shook my head. "Call James." I told him just before I pushed myself closer to him. I pulled myself up off of the floor. I struggled to stay on my feet as I walked against tthe wall towards winn. I fell to my knees in front of him, he looked at me worried, his lips had turned blue, his ears and nose were red.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry." He stuttered.

"It's over." I stated as my body heated up again, I felt the ice melting from within me. "I forgive you." I smiled at him. "You tell Kara I'm sorry." I began to melt the ice that surrounded Winn. I watched as he looked down towards my side and back at me worried, he opened his mouth to talk but I shook my head. "You're going to be okay." I forced a smile. A puddle formed around the two of us as the ice disappeared. He reached out for me but I moved back. "You'll get hurt."

Winn stood up off the floor and limped towards his coat that was throw to the floor a few steps away. He picked it up and pulled his phone out of the pocket. "No signal." He threw his coat to the ground in anger.

"Leave, just run out of here and don't look back." I urged.

"I'm not leaving you." He stated and held onto the wall as he walked towards me. I cooled my body down when he got close. "You are not going to bleed out down here." He stated

"You need medical attention. Kara should be here soon." I stated. Winn ignored me and quickly picked me up. I winced as my right side pressed against him. I moved my right hand across my body and pressed it against the wound on my left side.

"This is the coldest you've ever been since I met you." Winn muttered as he started to walk.

"Well I mean, I did get stabbed with two icicles." I coughed when I tried to chuckle.

"You shouldn't have done that." He stated

"You." I paused and took a deep breath. "Could've died."

"That doesn't give you the right to sacrifice yourself." He sighed

"If I'm being completely honest." I closed my eye tightly. "I wasn't planning on dying tonight."

"You're not dying." Winn urged and I could tell he was trying to walk faster.

"Don't get your hopes up Winslow." I coughed. I forced my eyes open and felt myself get light headed and shut my eyes again. "I know now's not the best time, but I need something to look forward too." I opened my eyes again and looked up at Winn. "Wanna grab coffee with me?"

"(Y/N) (L/N) are you asking me out on a date?" He looked down at me.

"Only if you say yes." I smirked and closed my eyes before my head lolled to the side. 

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