The Odds (Winn Schott x Reader)

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102) "Who the hell gave you a black eye?"


I walked down the steps into the D.E.O and towards the computers. "Hey Winslow. What's shakin'?" I walked up behind my friend and set my hand on his shoulder before leaning down to see what was on his computer screen. "Are we hunting the Guardian now?" I asked and he quickly closed the report he was reading and sat up straight.

"N-no we are not hunting the Guardian. I was just reading about what he did last night. How he helped Supergirl." He answered but kept his head straight. I looked at him confused and spun his chair around to face me.

"Glasses indoors eh. Rough night?" I asked with a slight chuckle. He ducked his head down slightly and rubbed his forehead. That's when I saw the bruising around his eye. "Winslow Schott what the hell happened oh my god. Who the hell gave you a black eye?" I snatched the sunglasses off of his face and kneeled down infront of him.

"He got mugged last night." Kara said as she walked behind me.

"You got mugged!" I exclaimed and he held his finger up over his mouth.

"Keep it down." He shushed me.

"Keep it down!" I whisper yelled "How can I keep it down! You were mugged!" Winn stood up out of his chair and pulled me into one of the empty meeting rooms.

"You're blowing this out of proportion." He urged as he shut the meeting room door.

"Have you looked at yourself?" I asked

"What?" He tilted his head confused.

"You have a black eye." I stated.

"Really? Hmm I did not know that." He crossed his arms over his chest and forced a smile. "Smiling hurts." He pursed his lips and dropped his arms back to his side. "Now if you don't mind I have got to get back to work."


I balanced on my left foot as I lifted my right foot onto the bench in front of me and started to tie my shoe.

"I got a real nice and easy 10-37 come over the scanner last night, and the cops still haven't found the suspicious vehicle. So I was, um Just wondering if you wanted to-" I heard the slightly familiar voice of James Olsen.

"I actually thought that just maybe you came to check up on me." Winn cut him off and I heard him slam his locker shut. The sound of the locker slamming shut startled me so much that I slipped backwards and hit my head against my locker.

"What the?" I heard the duo on the other side of the lockers quickly run around to my side. When they got to me I shut my eyes tight and reopened them.

"There's. Um. Four of you?" I narrowed my eyes trying to focus on one of them.

"Let's try to stand you back up." James stated.

"Okie dokie." I smiled and sat up.

"No. Don't sit up." Winn put his hands on my shoulders and slowly laid me back against the lockers.

"Well why you pushin me back man." I pursed my lips and looked over at both of the Winns.

"You're bleeding." He sighed.

"I'll go get the med room ready." James stood up and ran off.

"Winnie the Pooh." I chuckled.

"What?" Winn reached behind my head and pressed his hand to the open wound.

"What are the odd?" I smiled lazily.

"I'm confused." Winn looked at me worried.

"I used to love the bear named Winnie the Pooh and now I love a man named Winn." My vision began to blur even more. "What are the odds." I closed my eyes and leaned my head back into his hand.  

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