Chapter 3

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Oh my god, what's Bradley doing here. My life is officially screwed. Does he live here? How could I have not known? Just shoot me now. Noo I'm screwed, dead everything.

I was lost in my train of thoughts about how screwed and messed up this situation I'm in is when I heard someone cleared their throat. That brought me back to get over my shock.

"Oh wow" Bradley said and then he started laughing.

Why is he laughing? I'm nervous and his laughing. Why was he laughing?

"What are you doing here Bradley?” Dr Damien said while getting dressed. I was just still in shock to get up and get dressed. I was still kneeling down with my suspenders and boots on while the rest of my body is just open. My breast my bum everything. I don't know if I should be ashamed or embarrassed.

"So I guess you’re a slut then. That explains" he just ignored his dad shows how rude he truly is.

Ouch I'm insulted. "I am not a slut" I shouted back at him. How dare he call me a slut?

"Apparently, so walking in on you like that with my dad is normal then. Oh wow you’re so innocent then" Bradley said with a hint of chuckle in his tone.

This boy is pissing me off he doesn't know me "Don't judge me. You don't know anything about me"

"I really don't want to know" he looks down at me with disgust in his eyes.

"I can't believe you dad. You step down low to that". He points at me like I was a thing. I can't take this anymore; I got up and took my jacket that was lying on the bed and sipped it on. How dare he look down on me? The cheek of him, I don't have time for this; I need to get out of here now and fast.

"Errr son-"

"Don't call me son dad, so this is what you do right, go after little children. Don't you have any respect for mum? Bringing a slut to her matrimony home, even though she died it doesn't mean anything. I'm ashamed of you dad"

Ohh wow this Bradley guy is just an emotional boy. Yeah, yeah and your mom's dead get over it. You’re dad isn't a stone he needs a young blood.

"Where the hell do you think you’re going slut". I was half way through to the door. Stupid boy making me turn around when I should be leaving this place

"Shut up Bradley you have no right to talk to me like that"

"I'm surprised that you can still talk back. So much confident Aaliyah guess sluts do need confidence. Well let's see what people would do when they know who the real Aaliyah" arghh is he threatening me?? Is he normal? Does he know who I am? I'm Aaliyah and I'll deal with him

"You don't scare me Bradley. I could care less what and who you tell. You might want to take a picture for evidence don't you think?" even though I'm not that confident I can't let him know. I have to stand for myself. Useless Dr Damien isn't even saying anything.

"How cute Aaliyah. Now get the hell out of my house"

"Finally" I walked out and banged the door loud to show that I was angry.

Sugar I'm screwed. His going to tell everyone I'm sure he would. It’s Bradley we're talking about. His always hated me. Now there's something that could make him screw my life up.

Markus would kill me. Imogen would kill me. Mum and Dean my step father would disown me. I'll have no friends anything.

I need a plan and fast. What am I going to do? It had to be Bradley of all people that caught me. Why life isn’t fair again oh yeah because lives a bit%h.

I was walking slowly to the bus top. Lost in my train of thoughts I missed two of my bus. Why is my life going like this? What have I ever done to anybody? Why would I be humiliated like this?

I mean I was nice to everyone right? Well I thought I was. I treated life simple. I was fair to everyone. Even if they heard my secret they would accept me and ignore it. They would understand right? It’s not a big deal I mean I love adult and so what's more to it. What's the big deal in that?

Oh I don't know if I should be happy or sad I'm nearly home. Guess time flies when you're thinking.

So I'm nearly home now. I'm just walking down the road I'm nervous. I'm probably sure Markus has heard about this and just waiting for me to get home then he'll kill me. I hope Markus isn't home. Maybe I can move away from here. I'm going to be humiliated. Maybe I should dye my hair and change my eyes, change my name, change my accent and appearance.

As I approached my house, how lucky am I to see Markus car, note the sarcasm. Arghhhhh Markus is at home. This is it.

I got in and the first face I saw was Markus yay thanks for the panic attack. He looks angry. I guess now he knows. I don't know what to feel, my hands was shaking. I was sweating on the inside and outside. Oh lord what is he going to do to me? I can feel my makeup melting. Markus is going to kill me, mom would disown me. Imogen would hate me forever I'll be alone I'm screwed.

"Where are you coming from liyah and why has your phone been switched off?"


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