Chapter 16

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I turned around to see Sam, what the hell is he doing here I thought. “Hey Sam, what are you doing here?”

He gave me a quick hug, “Hey Aaliyah, I’m on a business trip that’s all”

“Oh alright. Why are you calling me Aaliyah? You normally call me Ali”

“Well the last time I called you Ali, you went incredible hulk on me” he said with his hands up in a surrender way. I giggled, oh yeah I remember I was angry after the break up.

“Oh yeah sorry, call me Ali”

“So what brought you here?” he motioned his hands circularly indicating this area

“My dad lives here”

“Oh alright, how’s your half term and I heard that boyfriend of yours broke up with you” he was walking down the road so I decided to walk with him side by side. 

“It’s been alright today being the first day of it. Imogen told you that right?”

“Yeah she did, how are you coping though?”

“Perfectly fine as you can see” I did a twirl for him


“I know”

“Anyway I’ve got to go now, call me if you need anything”

“Yeah alright, see you later Sam”

“You too Ali”

He gave me a short kiss on my lip, well that was weird and unexpected. Oh well, I walked back to the vintage shop and bought few shorts and tops. I got on the bus and made my way home; I got home and decided to make dinner for dad and myself. He would be very tired when he gets back, I goggled recipes and decided to make paella and bake muffins. Few hours later after I’ve burned some muffins my meal was ready.  I decided to have a shower then eat since I’m starving and I’m not sure when dad would get back.

I had a quick shower, got dressed in my pyjamas and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen got crisps and drink. I sat down watching friends, the doorbell went on and I opened it for my dad. Finally I hate being alone at home, boredom.

“Hey princess”

“Hi dad, how was work?”

“Alright, I smell cooking”

“Yeah I cooked you dinner. Bet you’re hungry right?”

“Since when did you start cooking?”

“I don’t. But I made effort in cooking so you better eat it”

“Yea ma’am”


We both sat down on the dining table and we eat, discussed about random things. Dad went to bed early leaving me alone.  I hanged around watching random program, I went to dad’s book shelf and saw a book that looks interesting and spooky, the left hand of God, so I took the book and started reading.  

The next day was like yesterday, went out, stayed indoors and stuff. I didn’t want to contact Sam; I want this half term to be for me, away from boys and alone to gather my emotion. At the end of the week my half term has come to an end so I packed my luggage and decided to go back to London. I’ve made up my mind, when I get back I’ll talk to Noah about what happened with us. I don’t care about my dignity now, I’ve realised I really want to be with Noah and I promise to mend my ways and fix everything. Hopefully maybe he’ll be my boyfriend again and if he decides he doesn’t want that I’ll be his friend.  It’s weird but I really don’t want to lose Noah. I know I never said it out loud but I really think I do love him.

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