Chapter 18

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My mum turned around banging the door so hard I flinched.

“Shit” Imogen said looking at me with horror covering her mouth

“Double shit, why you shouting it around for?” I threw my hand up


“So you’re pregnant then yeah, that’s not surprising I have to say I saw that coming” she crossed her arms over her chest together giving me look that basically screamed she’s disgusted. 


“Yeah, you came here with Noah, Sam and that Bradley kid. There’s bound to be something that would happens”

“Oh” was all I could say; she’s such a great mother isn’t she?

“Anyway so what are you going to do now?”

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t think now that because you’re pregnant I’ll let you stay in my house right”

“What do you mean? I live here” I’m very confused right now, what’s she talking about?

“Yeah mum, I’m confused too” Imogen said having the same expression as me

“Well, I’m not raising a bastard in my house”

“MUM” both Imogen and I said with so much fury

“I’m just being honest. Do you even know who the father is? You had three men so yeah”

“I can’t believe you” Imogen said. I just froze and stared at the floor with my hand rubbing the small bump on my belly.

“Guess you better start believing me, this is reality”

“I’m staying here till I get a job and able to afford having a flat” I told her straight, what’s her problem. I can’t leave here.

“No you’re not, I give you one week. I’m not feeding you and that bastard thing in your tummy that you call a baby. You got that?”

“Mum stop, that’s you’re grandchild. You should be happy for liyah”

“Imogen, I didn’t ask for your input. That thing is a bastard so is the mother of it.”

“You know what MUM; I’m sick and tired of your attitude towards me. I’m not going to stand here with so much repulsive words coming out of your mouth to my child. This child here isn’t a bastard and he or she has a dad.”

“Save the speech liyah”

“Don’t call me that. You know what I hate you; I swear to God, I hate you so much I’d love to watch you die. You know this child here, I’ll show this child so much love that I never got from my mother. I’ll explain to this child that I never had a mother. I’ll do everything that you never did for me; I love this child more that the world you know I hate you. I hate you so much” when I was done with my speech I realised I was soaked, I’ve been crying.

“So cute, the touching speech; I really don’t care you know. When you’re done, pack you’re shit and get out. One week liyah, one week remember” she raised her eyebrow at me in a I don’t care look, and walked upstairs.

“Mum, that’s heartless” Imogen was in shock of what was going on, just staring between both of us.

“Shut up Imogen. Don’t you have anything useful to be doing, don’t mess you’re life up like that sister of yours.”

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