||Chapter 5|| The Party

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Hoi A~Chan here with another chapter. You will now be seeing me on the odd numbered chapters. YAAAY! Ok so now that I'm writing face to face dialogue my writing won't be so weird. Also I sick at writing in first person so it's going to be in this person. Anyway, let's continue.

Garroth and the others herd kissing noises coming from Zane's room, but what they didn't know was that Zane and Travis were actually kissing. "Garroth don't fall for it," Vylad warns his brother from behind Dante. "Come here Zane!" Travis yells playfully. "No!" Zane yells back as he is being chased around the room by Travis. "Travis get away from him!!" Garroth yells getting even more angrier. "Make me," Travis exclaims causing Garroth to kick the door down. Everyone looks into the room to find Zane on his bed and Travis on the floor both on their phones. "You really believe in all those noises?" Travis questions as he and Zane laugh. "Shut up." Garroth growls as everyone walks back downstairs. "See? What did I tell you?" Laurance laughs walking next to Garroth. "You really think I'd like Zane?" Travis asked even though he new he did like Zane. "You really think I'd like Travis? By the way you owe me a new door." Zane spoke bitterly. "No I don't." Garroth said in a mocking child like voice. "I'll buy you a new one." Travis whispered in Zane's ear. Zane gets out of bed and walks over to Vylad and Dante, "You okay Vylad?" he questions with concern. "Yup. I just like watching drama from afar." Vylad responded cheerfully. "So I'm not going to go AS nuts as Garroth, but what's going on here?" Zane points at Vylad and Dante as Travis walks over to the group. Vylad looks at Dante who is not paying attention and blushes, "I-I honestly don't know, " he said confused. "Well when you do figure it out, let me know. "As for you," Zane picks Dante up by the front of his shirt, "you hurt him, I'll hurt you." He said sternly. Dante's eyes widen in fear, "Y-yes sir." Vylad giggles making Dante blush, "Zane put him down." he said sweetly. Zane sets Dante down and begins to leave before he can be questioned. "Zane..." Vylad says standing up and taking a step forward. Zane flinches a bit and turns around slowly, "Yes Vylad?" "Thanks for sticking up for me and being a good brother," Vylad looks at Garroth and Laurance to make sure they are not paying attention, "but what's with you and Travis... if you don't mind me asking?" Vylad walks towards Zane so Garroth didn't have a chance of hearing the answer. Zane's face reddens as he looks from Travis to Vylad, "N-nothing...um. Nothing." he says quickly causing Travis to roll his eyes like 'Yeah, nothing'. "Zane, don't lie to me." Vylad said. Zane gives Vylad a look like, 'please not now and not in front of them' as he says, "Really, nothing!" Vylad quickly glances at Garroth then back at Zane and smiles, "Okay." "If that's all," Zane starts, "tonight has been way too long. I'm going to sleep." "Same here." Travis chimed in. Vylad starts waving goodnight to Zane, "Ok, night." "Night." Zane and Travis say as they start to walk away. "We should get some rest too Garroth." Laurance looks at Garroth. "I think everyone should...BUT NOT IN THE SAME ROOMS!" Garroth yelled looking at Zane's room. "So what do you propose, hm?" Zane growls. "You and Vylad sleep in the same room," Garroth points at Zane and Vylad, "Dante and Travis sleep in the living room," he then points and Travis and Dante, "and Laurance and I will sleep in the same room." he looks at Laurance and tries not to blush. "Heh, I don't think so. You, Vylad, and I will sleep in the same room, Dante, Travis, and Laurance in another." Zane says clearly regretting his decision to sleep in the same room as his brothers. "YAY! Brother bonding time!" Vylad jumps up excitedly. Zane just gives a half smile wanting the day to be over already as Travis and Laurance agree. "Why are you upset Zane you're the one who suggested this sleeping arrangement?" Dante crosses his arms with a smirk forming on his face. "No reason Dante, just bonding in our family is...odd I suppose. For me anyhow." Zane says as he goes to his room and comes back with a black pillow and a pink blanket causing everyone to laugh. "IT'S THE ONLY ONE I HAVE RIGHT NOW!" Zane screams, "Suuure." Dante teases causing Vylad to hit his arm playfully as they both try to hold in their laughter. "Whatever. What rooms are we in?" Zane scoffs. "I want to sleep in my room." Vylad informs the group. "Fine, then us three in Vylad's room." Zane motions to him and his brother, "I'm not letting anyone in my room because... reasons, so that leaves Garroth's room and the basement." he finishes. "I'd rather sleep in the basement." Dante yawns which leads to Vylad yawning too. "Then so be it. Night." Zane retreats into Vylad's room after asking if it's okay to go in. Vylad follows and flops onto his bed causing his patterned green blanket to puff up a bit. Zane sets his things on the floor and pulls out a book to avoid any future conversations. Garroth is the last one to go in and he did on a chair at the end of Vylad's bed. Vylads crawls to the end of his bed and looks at Zane then at Garroth. "Sooooooo, Garroth.....what's with you and Laurance? Why were you two holding hands during the movie?" Vylad begins to interrogate his older brother. Zane closes his book intrigued by the question. "Ooh so we're talking about this now. Good question Vylad, so what's the answer." Zane starts to sit up and he takes off his mask. Garroth begins to blush, "N-no reason." "Suuuuure." both of younger brothers say in unison. "H-he was scared and g-grabbed my hand. T-that is the only r-reason." Garroth's face gets even more red. "You fell asleep on each other because....?" Zane questions further. "B-because I was tired?" Garroth says more like a question than a statement. "You don't sound so sure of yourself." an evil smile crosses Zane's face. "That's because I'm tired." Garroth says as an excuse. "Oh really?" Vylad sits up on his bed. "Sure Gay-roth. The red on your face says otherwise." Zane's own face turning a little red, remembering his own incidents from earlier. Vylad giggles at Zane's comment. "Hey Zane, why are you blushing." Garroth says changing the subject. "Um, just a bit warm in here is all." Zane says looking away from Garroth. "Ya it is always kind of warm in my room." Vylad tries to cover for his brother. "Sure." Garroth says clearly not believing them. "Alright, I'm really starting to get tired," Zane's face turnes even redder, "so we'll continue this conversation tomorrow." Zane looks away again. "What you don't want to bond with your brothers?" Garroth questions playfully. "Argh, fine. Can we talk about something else?" Zane asks clearly annoyed by his older brother. "I was listening to country music yesterday." Vylad says trying to change the subject. "By who?" Zane questions and looks back up. "Luke Bryan I think." Vylad sits up straight. "He's ok." Zane looks at the time on his phone. "I don't think I've heard country music before." Garroth says getting looks from his younger brothers. "Whaaaaat." Vylad nearly screams. "Seriously?" Zane says confused. "Yup. Laurance tryed to get me to listen to it, but I fell sleep before the first song." Garroth confesses. "For shame." Zane yawns. "I couldn't help it I was tired." Garroth whines. Vylad yawns but tries to stay awake. Zane yawns one last time and falls back onto his blanket and pillow. Vylads eyes start to slowly close until a loud noise comes from the basement causing Vylad to jump and he falls of his bed. Zane jerks up and rushes toward Vylad, "Vylad, are you ok?" Zane questions then he turns a bit red, embarrassed at his sudden act of kindness. "Yeah, I'm fine," Vylad sits up, "What in the name of Irene was that noise tho?" Vylad looks concerned. "I'm not sure. Garroth go look." Zane backs up and gives Vylad some space. "Why do I have to look?" Garroth questions quickly. "Because I don't want to." Zane says coldly. "Why can't Vylad go?" Garroth questions. "What...even if I do go I can't go alone." Vylad then shivers. "You're going because you're our...big brother." Zane groans as he pulls the 'big brother' card. "F-fine I'll go, but you two have to come with." Garroth stands up. "Fine, but make it quick." Zane stands up as well. Garroth opens the door and slowly walks towards the basement. Zane and Vylad follow close behind. Garroth opens the basement door and starts tiptoeing down the stairs using his phone as a flashlight. As the boys get closer to the bottom of the stairs they hear some thumps. When they reach the last stair they see Dante, Travis, and Laurance wrestling. When Zane sees Travis he half smiles and Travis' eyes light up. Then the boys on the floor look up at the brothers. Dante smiles when he sees Vylad step out from hiding behind Garroth. "SERIOUSLY! YOU HAD ME WORRIED FOR THIS?" Vylad pouts and Dante blushes. "What?" Garroth questions looking back at Vylad. "Yeah, what do you mean Vylad?" Zane questions as well. "I uh...I thought some broke into the house...ya." Vylad tries to to cover up that the real reason he was worried was because he thought Dante got hurt. "Sure Vylad, sure." Zane says sounding a bit happier than usual. "Zane... your mask." Vylad says, trying to change the subject. "My mask? What about it," Zane reaches up to touch his mask realizing that it wasn't there, "Gah!" Zane covers his blushing face with his arm. Vylad laughs a bit as Garroth questions the boys on the floor, "What exactly is going on here?" "Travis called my hair an embarrassment." Laurance whines. "Dante said my eyes are too pale." Travis pouts. "I was bored." Dante laughs. Travis pushes Dante then Dante pushes Travis back. Travis messes up Dante's hair and Dante slaps Travis' hand away. "Now what." Travis says clearly bored. "Is all the wrestling really necessary?" Zane questions even thought he thinks it's totally worth it cause Travis' eyes are beautiful. "Yup." Dante says looking up. Dante smiles at Vylad making them both blush. Zane smirks, "You okay Vylad? You need a mask?" he laughs. "N-no!" Vylad covers his face with his scarf. "Why would he need a mask?" Garroth days clearly distracted because him and Laurance are staying into each others eyes. Zane's smirk grows bigger, "You seem distracted Garroth." Vylad and Dante laugh. "U-um well we k-know what the n-noise was w-we should go b-back upstairs." Garroth stutters as he starts blushing and looks away from Laurance. "With pleasure." Zane says a bit disappointed cause he wants to hang out with Travis, but goes upstairs anyways. Garroth goes up the stairs while waving night to Laurance. Vylad follows after he gives Dante a 'good night' high five.

BOOM I'M DONE! I really hope you liked it I tried my best to make it interesting. Sorry it came out a little late I had a busy night. I hope you like this long chapter because I will try to make my other chapters about as long as this one. Will I will see you wonderful people next time. BYE! 😘
~ Word Count 1,987~

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