||Chapter 7|| The Mall

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Hoi A~Chan here. Im going to try out POVs for the first time. I might use Vylad's a lot, but at least I'm trying. That's what counts right...probably not, but whatever I don't care. I'm going to use italics for thoughts just so you don't get confused. Anyway let's get on with the chapter.

Vylad's POV
I can't believe that I just told Zane that I like Dante. Oh my Irene how did I manage to do that? I can't even tell Dante that I like him. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Laurance coming into the living room, "Everyone ready to go?" he questions. Everyone says yes but I just nod my head and get up. As everyone walks out of the house I see Laurance walk next to Garroth and try he tries to grab his hand, but Garroth moves to the drivers side of the car before he can. Oooooooh what is going on there. We all get into the car. Dante and I sit next to each other in the back. Travis and Zane sit next to each other, but with a seat between them. Garroth in the driver's seat and Laurance in the passenger's seat.

Laurance's POV
As we get out of the house I walk up to Garroth and I reach out for his hand, but he walked to the other side of the car before I can even touch his hand. Garroth has a royal blue Range Rover with three rows of seats it's pretty nice. I sit in the passenger seat cause Dante and Vylad took the only two seats in the very back and I don't want to sit in between Travis and Zane.

Vylad's POV
(See I told you)
It was really boring in the back seat so Dante and I decided to play tic-tac-toe on my phone. I unlock my phone and look at my home screen wallpaper for a bit. It's a picture of Dante and I. "You have that picture as your wallpaper?" I look up to see Dante looking at my phone and blushing. I start to blush too, "Y-yeah." We end up just staring into each others eyes for a while. His sapphire blue eyes staring into my emerald green eyes. I felt myself leaning towards him. OH MY IRENE WHAT AM I ABOUT TO DO. IS HE LEANING IN TOO?  OH. MY. IRENE. I started to close my eyes and he did too.

Dante's POV
I look at Vylad's phone to see what he was doing. Is that a picture of us as his wallpaper? "You have that picture as your wallpaper?" I ask and I start to blush. Vylad looks up at me blushing too, "Y-yeah." he stutters. I end up starting into his beautiful emerald green eyes for a while. I notice he starts leaning towards me. I-is he l-leaning in to k-kiss me? Oh my Irene Dante you're stuttering in your thoughts. Come on and be a man the person you've had a crush on since high school is leaning in to kiss you. I find myself leaning towards him too and I close my eyes. We were so close to kissing that I could feel the warmth of him blushing face on mine until, "OH MY IRENE!"

Travis' POV
I was on my phone almost the entire ride to the mall. Zane and I may not have been sitting right next to each other, but we were close enough that Garroth wouldn't tell at me. Zane was staring out the window and listening to music so I couldn't get his attention quietly enough for no one to notice. We were getting close to the mall so I was going to see if Dante and Vylad were sleeping because they haven't been talking for quite some time. I look back at them to see them about to kiss. "OH MY IRENE!" I yell. Dante is going to kill me he has been waiting for this since high school. Darn my stupid reflexes. Vylad and Dante  quickly move their faces away from each other both wide eyed and blushing. Everyone else is looking at me. "What's wrong Travis?" Zane questions pulling one of his headphones out of his ear. "I-I though I saw a deer...yeah a deer." I say as everyone looks at me weirdly then they go back to whatever they  were doing. I look back at Vylad and Dante to find Vylad looking out the window trying to cover his blush with his scarf, but it's not working and Dante is just giving me a death stare. Called it. I mouth 'sorry' to him, but I don't think it worked cause now it feels like he is trying to burn my soul with his eyes.

Dante's POV
Travis may have ruined my moment with Vylad, but that doesn't we can't try to kiss again later today. I stop giving Travis my death glare mainly because he looked away, but also because I wanted to see if Vylad was okay. I look at him and he is staring out the window with his scarf covering his blush, but it's not working. I don't want to disturb him so I just slowly grab his hand. He looks at his hand then at me and holds my hand. We both end up blushing. For the rest of the ride the only sound was from the radio and Zane's really loud music everyone was either on their phone or looking out the window except Garroth because he was driving. Vylad and I held hands until we got to the mall.
~Time skip to the mall~

Garroth's POV
When we reach the mall everyone gets out of the car. I still want to know what really happened because Travis would not act like that over a deer. When we reach the mall we decide to watch a movie. We just can't figure out which one. After a while we decided to watch Sing. We get in line with our drinks and popcorn when Laurance decides to buy pocky. I give him a questioning look, but he just smirks at me so I leave it alone. When we sit in our seats, which are in the middle, the movie starts.
~Time skip to the end of the movie~

Laurance's POV
It's kind of the end of the movie now is my chance Zane and Travis just left and Vylad and Dante are to into the movie to pay attention. I take one of the pocky and put one end in my mouth. I poke Garroth to get his attention. When he looks at me and see the pocky he starts blushing, but he takes the other end anyway. We both slowly bite towards the sent until our lips touch at this point both of us are blushing. I can't take this anymore. I put my hands on either side of Garroth's face and I kiss him. He is shocked at first, but he kisses back. MOTHER OF IRENE IT WORKED. I'M FINALLY KISSING HIM.

Zane's POV
The movie got kind of boring so I decided to go outside until the end of the movie. Luckily Travis came with so i wouldn't be alone. We sat on a ledge at the side of the building close together, but still pretty far. After a while of talking I realize that we moved closer to each other that our hands are almost touching. I look up at Travis and he looks at me both of us blushing as we notice how close we are. Hjs light green eyes are beautiful. I notice Travis starts to lean in closer and I do the same. Next thing you know he is kissing me and I'm kissing him back. He puts his hand on mine then we end up holding hands. After some time we stop to get air and just as we stopped everyone came out. We scoot apart so no one will get suspicious.
~Time skip to the car~

Vylad's POV
Everyone is the car is asleep except for Dante, Garroth, and I. I'm kind of sad that Travis ruind my moment to kiss Dante earlier, but know he is asleep and he can't ruin anything else. I look at Dante and notice he is looking at me and bluhing. I smile at him and blush as I he holds my hand. I notice him moving closer and I already know what is about to happen so i lean in too. Within seconds we are centimeters apart and I can feel myself blushing like crazy. Dante puts his free hand on the side of my face as he kisses me. I kiss back as we both blush like crazy. YES! WE ARE KISSING! Please dont let this be a dream.

Dante's POV
I look at Vylad and he looks back. Thank Irene that Travis isnt awake to ruin this. I hold Vylad's hand and start to lean into Vylad and he started to lean in as well. I put my free hand on the side of his face and we kiss. Thank Irene Travis can't ruin this moment. I never want it to end. After we kiss both of us are blushing like crazy. Vylad starts to fall asleep so he put his head on my shoulder and I lay my head on his and we both fall asleep.

Thank you for the support and getting us to over 100 reads YAY! I hope you like the action that happened in this chapter because it is a Valentines Day gift from us to you. Well see you next time. BYE!😘
~Word Count 1,627~

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