||Chapter 17|| Our Love...

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~Dante's POV~

"Dante, can't you actually do something right for once?" My co-worker Lucas smirks at me. "You know, maybe for once you could come up with an idea that would help the store and I wouldn't have to do all the work." I clench my fists and shake my head, walking away.

I wish I could wipe that smug smile off his face..... that was my idea and he took it! I do plenty around here but he's always one step ahead, taking credit for the work I do. It's getting ridiculous...

I walk to the back room, dodging frustrated parents and eager kids. Grabbing my water bottle, I take a long sip from it while wiping my forehead. Afterwards, I sit, wondering what to do with my first break of the day, trying to forget the incident with Lucas. There's really nothing to do around here... I stand up, brushing myself off. Going back into the store, there isn't much for me to do besides work so... I walk out of Gamestop, heading out to the main mall area.

I look around, contemplating where to go. Where does a blue haired, super hot 22 year old homo who works at Gamestop go on his 30 minute break? Furry Babies, that's where. I laugh to myself, and start walking in that direction.

"Heeeeey! Heeeey mister! Hey, listen! Blue haired guy!"

I raise an eyebrow to myself and turn around to see a werewolf running to me, and another woman running behind her.

"Hiya mister!"

I raise my eyebrow again. "Hello...?" She stands there, smiling at me. Finally the girl who was running behind her catches up, panting a bit.

"Excuse, phew, excuse my friend here. She's very excitable. My name is Crystal. We recently spoke with a friend of yours, Travis, I think he was."

"Haha! Yeah, sorry about that. We're just trying to get to know more of the people around here and well, we talked to Travis a bit ago and he said to come find you here! So, we got into the car, drove over, walked around for-" "Phoenix? I don't think he's interested in what we did to get here. Long story short, Travis told us to come meet you so, here we are."

I laugh, a bit uncomfortable. "Well, it's very nice to meet you ladies. I don't know if Travis told you, but I'm Dante."

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm Crystal, and as I said earlier, this is Phoenix."

The werewolf, Phoenix, nods her head quickly. "So, you two live around here?"

"We do! Crystal and I live together next to some white house with a black roof."

White house with a black roof...? Oh, Zane's house.

"Ah, I see. Well, it's been great to talk to you to, but I have to get back to work soon. I'm just on a small break."

"Oh, okay! We'll see you soon! Byeeeee!" Phoenix grabs Crystal's hand and drags her off to some other store. I chuckle to myself and continue walking towards Furry Babies.


Once there I head inside, immediately caught in a crowd of bratty little kids. I work my way past and a small brown pomeranian with green eyes catches my eye. Oh my Irene it's so adorable... it's nose is so cute and it's fur looks so soft.... I shake my head once I realize I'm no longer talking about the dog.

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