||Chapter 11|| Vylad's Fear

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Hoi A~Chan here. Our number of reads is going up more and more every day and I would like to thank every one who reads this fan fiction. S~Chan and I started this story out just for fun and we didn't care about the reads, but now we have you guys/gals. THANKS 💙! Anyways let's get on to the story.

Garroth's POV
Laurance, Zane, and I were watching Netflix. It was getting darker a bit sooner than usual. Maybe it's going to rain. Hopefully that's all that will happen. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Laurance poking my cheek. "You okay?" he whispers. "Yup I'm fine. Just thinking about the weather." I look into his ocean eyes and blush. Laurence then points in the direction of Zane. I look over there and notice that he had fallen asleep and he had his thumb in his mouth. We both laugh quietly and I take a picture and send it to Vylad and mummy. I can hear Vylad yelling and Dante laughing downstairs. He's probably watching Dance Moms he loves that show and he can get a bit dramatic over it. I feel something wrap around my waist. I look down to find that it's Laurane's arm, I put my head on his shoulder and blush. Hopefully Vylad can't hear the storm from downstairs.

Vylad's POV
Dante and I are watching Dance Moms. I love this show so much that sometimes I get a little bit over dramtic over it and I staet yelling at the TV. Well I'm watching it with Dante at the moment and he keeps laughing every time I get mad and it makes me blush. People might think it's weird that I like Dance Moms, but it's the same concept as Zane liking My Little Horsies...except for the fact that I don't care if people find out. I'm kind of getting used to this being a mei'fwa thing. It's not that bad. I laugh quietly and that's when it happens...I hear the thunder. I jump onto the couch and try to hide under a blanket that's hanging off the back of the couch. "Umm...Vylad? Are you ok?" Dante asks as he lifts up the blanket to look at me. "Y-yup. I-im fine." I laugh nervously as I pull the blanket back over my face. That's when I hear another loud boom of thunder and I jump into Dante's arms as I wine like a kitten. "Are you sure you're shaking." he says as he wraps his arms around me. "Y-yup I-I'll b-be f-fine as s-soon as t-the storm p-passes." I put my blanket covered head on his shoulder.

Dante's POV
It's starting to storm outside. Hopefully it doesn't get to bad.  I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a boom of thunder and see Vylad jump onto the couch and cover himself with the blanket. "Umm...Vylad? Are you ok?" I ask as I pull the blanket up to look at him. "Y-yup. I-im fine." he laughs nervously as he pulls the blanket back over his face. I hear another boom of thunder, but this one is louder. Vylad jumps into my arms as he wines like a kitten. "Are you sure you're shaking?" I question him again as I wrap my arms around him blushing, but worried. "Y-yup I-I'll b-be f-fine as s-soon as t-the storm p-passes." he says as he puts his blanket covered had on my shoulder. "Are you scared of thunder storms?" I ask petting his head. "Y-yes." he says as he tries to hide himself again. I pull the blanket off of him and put him sitting on my lap. We both end up blushing, but I don't care anymore I just want Vylad to feel safe. We continue to watch Dance Moms which I think it's cute that he likes this show. Vylad jumps a little every time he hears thunder, but I calm him down my playing with his hair. I end up just playing with his hair the entire time it's just so soft and Vylad starts to purr. Vylad started to get tired so he lays down on my lap making me blush again. I keep playing with his hair to keep him calm from the thunder making him purr a bit louder and he nuzzles his head on my hand. I put my other hand around him so I an hold him close. After a couple of episodes Vylad wraps his tail around my arm that his holding him as he falls asleep. I blush more as I lay my head back onto the couch as I start to fall asleep too.

Laurance's POV
I wake up with my arm around Garroth's waist and his head on my shoulder. I kiss his cheek because why not. His eyes flutter open. Damn I woke him up. He just looked so cute while sleeping I couldn't help it. "H-hi Laurance." he stutters as he looks up at me. "Hi cutie." I smile and kiss his forehead. I notice that the storm has cleared out which is good. Then it came to me. "Hey Garroth, I have a great idea." I say with a smirk on my face. "W-what's your idea?" he questions with a bit of worry in his voice.

Garroth's POV
"We should go downstairs and scare Dante and Vylad." Laurane says with a glow in his eyes. He acts like a child sometimes, but he is so cute. "Ok let's do it." I say agreeing with his idea. We both stand up to go down stairs. I stop to see if Zane is still sleeping before we go down to the basement. I look back at the couch he is sleeping on and smile. Laurance grabs my hand and pulls me to the basement door. We slowly walk down the stairs so we don't make any noise using our phones as flashlights. When we get down there that's when a rush of rage comes over me. "DANTE YOUR'E DEAD!"

So how did you like that?  Did you like the cliff hanger MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading. BYE! 😘

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