||Chapter 8|| Alone With Him...?

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Vlayd's POV

I awaken as we're pulling into the driveway. I blush as I realize that I fell asleep on Dante's shoulder, although he didn't seem to mind. I look around to see everyone else asleep, except for Garroth who is driving. I wake Dante up by whispering his name softly and patting him on the knee. His eyes begin to flutter open, and he smiles. The others begin to wake up as well, everyone except for Laurance. We get out and go inside. "What about Travis?" I ask? "Just leave him there. He'll come inside when he wakes up." Zane says, walking inside. I look at Dante, and he shrugs as we walk inside. Garroth and Laurance follow behind.

I walk down to the basement followed by Dante, and closed the door after getting a smirk from Zane. It was around 3:00, and I didn't really know what to do, or why I came down here. We sat on the couch and stared at each, both blushing remembering the car ride. I didn't know what to say, but he pulled me into a side hug and ruffles my hair. I giggle, and he sighs happily before saying, "Wanna play Mario art?" "Sure, but I'm pretty dang good." I boast. "We'll see about that." He replies with a smirk.

Gosh he's so cute when he does that. What is Garroth going to say...?

Garroth's POV

Vylad and Dante go downstairs, and Zane smirks at them. I begin to follow them when Laurance grabbed my arm. I look at him, and he said, "Remember what I told you?" I nod.

Trust them to make their own choices. I sware if Dante hurts him, Irene help me. I make my way upstairs, Laurance following closely behind. I shut the door to my room and throw myself on my bed. I sigh as Laurance sits on the edge of my bed. Laurance reaches over and put his hand on top of mine, and I give him a sleepy smile. His blushing was the last thing I saw before my vision faded away.

Laurance's POV

I sat on the edge of Garroth's bed, smiling and blushing like an idiot as he fell asleep. I slowly got up and put a blanket over him, and then carefully sat back down.

He's adorable. I felt myself blush at my own thoughts. I can remember back in highschool when my feelings for him began to develop...

~Le flashback~

Laurance's POV

"Garroth, come on out of there." I say quietly, sitting outside of the bathroom stall Garroth had locked himself in. "Just leave me alone!" he says, crying. "Just come out so I can see what they did to you." I whisper, loud enough for him to hear. Garroth replies with more quiet cries. He's never been like this before. Gene must have done something really bad this time. "Please Garroth, I care about you." I plead. I hear the scraping of shoes, and a lock being slide out of place. I stand up. Garroth swings the door open slowly.

My eyes widen at what I see. His hair and clothes were disheveled, covered in dirt. His arms were cut and bruised. He had a black eye and a busted lip. The left side of his forehead was still bleeding. He stands there, silently crying and shaking. "Garroth..." I whisper. He runs forward and hugs me, wincing a bit from the pain in his arms. I hug him back, and whisper, "It's going to be okay. I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again."

~Flashback Over~

I shudder at the memory. I swore that day I'd always protect Garroth, and I keep that promise to this day. I never want to see him like that again, physically and emotionally. I was awoken out of my thoughts by Garroth violently thrashing around in his sleep.

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