Don't notice!

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Well unpacking sucked yesterday. Big time. I feel so lonely. I didn't want to talk to my mom yet. It was too soon.

I did my daily routine which is shower, food, then people. I am a vegetarian so finding food in a farmer's house was hard until I found a stash of non-meat things. Woody was already eating eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. To my surprise Adam and the twins were eating with them.

"Ahh, Jess. Would you like some food?"

I honestly didnt want to knock his dreams down but i said in the nicest way possible.

"I'm okay."

"Oh, no. Tkae some food."

Finally I just came out and said it.

"I'm a vegetarian."

They all looked at me like I was crazy. I took a piece of toast and stood akwardly to the side. Adam mummbled something I couldnt understand but Missy thought it was funny. While Jennifer and Woody gave them dirty looks.

I just turned around and walked to my room. I grabbed my books and a pair of red converse. I was wearing old ripped jeans and a white tank top. You would be amazed at what people donate. My curly blonde hair was in my face so I flipped it to the side and I walked out. Adam was standing there waiting for me. I didn't know how to react when his eyes popped when he saw me. Did I smell? No, I just took a shower. I didnt wear too much mkaeup. Was I ugly?

He cleared his throat and opened the door for me.

"Thank you."

We both walked out and started walking. The school was only about two miles away.

"Where are your sisters?" I asked, interested. They are probably the only girls I will know. I don't know why, but girls never like me.

"They are skipping."

 I muffled an"Oh.."

It was kinda quiet. Until we reached the school. We both got in and he disappeared. I started walking until the princible came. I jumped because I didn't expect him.

"Hello, Jessica... Sorry what is your last name?"

I looked at him confused.

"Umm.. Mr.Baker, I'm not sure. Didn't you hear why I am here?"

He looked at me sympathedically.

"Oh, I'm so so so sorry. I forgot. But here is your new schedule and locker number. Please if there is anything I can do to help please ask. Once again I am sorry."

"Its okay and thank you so much." I took papers he handed me.

Here is my schedule:


Language Arts






Studyhall (if needed)

It seemed okay to me. My locker number was 232. The same number as the house I am living in. I walked to it which wasn't hard to find. They had signs all over the place. It was actually a pretty small school.

When I found my locker to my surprise Adam was there. I walked towards him.


He said probably not knowing I was going to 'my' locker.

"Hi. Umm... I'm looking for the locker 232. Do you know where it is?"

I said it like I didn't know where it was. I hoped he didn't notice. He stood up from where he was leaning. I noticed how incredibly tall he was.


I turned the correct combination numbers to unlcok it. After about three ties it finally opened.


I gave him a smile and I got one in return.

"No problem."

I went to my classes and Adam was in the first two of them which were homeroom and Language Arts. Then I went to Biology. I was partnered and sat by a gut named Eric Parker. He was nice but he seemed like the sweet and sensitive type. But he was nice.

In Algebra both Eric and Adam were in there. They seemed like they were upset. I tried to get a seat in the back but I got the middle where Adam sat next to me and Eric on the other side. AWKWARD! I swear I was the last one out of there. Adam and Eric both disappeared.

I couldn't find my way to my locker but when I did I couldn't believe what I saw.

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