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It has been a long time since that day. Bruno and Nana are fully grown and Adam hates it. I smile and kiss him. 

Woody has come home too. He loves Bruno because he can hunt with him. To my dismay. 

My brothers have came over more too. Adam and them are starting to get along and he never told me what my brothers said. They love me and I them.

All of the guys in the group are now single but it was civil. We are happier than ever. 

I was in the house with the guys over and watching a football game. They were all sprawled everywhere. That was when the phone started to ring. Woody was in the kitchen so nobody got up.

"Jessy, it's for you..."

He stood in the doorway with a weird look on his face. His look was sort of sad, worried and the rest blank. Adam looked at him funny while I stood up. 

I took the phone from him and put it to my ear.



"Yes, who is this?" I walked in the kitchen knowing Adam, the dogs, and the gang was following. Woody walked in his room.

"This is Marcy with Hovern Hospital. Honey, I hate to say this but, your mother has taken an overdoce and is severe condition. We have her on many things right now but you were the only family member we could contact. She has many STD's and she is critical condition."

Tears were already forming. I knew this would happen one day but not now. Not when everything was going so well.

"I will be there."

"I am so sorry, sweetie."

"It's okay. Thanks."

We hung up and I ran upstairs. I knew what had to happen. I had to go home. For the first time in so many years.

"Jessy, what the hell? Where do you think your going?"

I was packing some clothes in a bag. I  didn't turn around to know he was standing in the doorway of my room that I have spent some many night with him in. I had to leave it for now.

"Adam, it's my mom. She needs me now. I have to be there for her."

"The hell you do. Jess, she never was there for you so why do you need to be for her? Listen, she didn't care about you and she doesn't love you-"

"Adam! Yes, she does. She needs help and that's why I have to go."

"Jess, you are not going to see the bitch who's heart is made of stone. You can't go back there."

I turned around and really mad now.

"Adam, why don't you get this? I have to go. Out of all people, I thought you would be the only one to understand that, this is my mom. The woman who brought me into this world. You don't get that?"

"I see where you get the bitch inside you."

My heart dropped. I am sure my face showed it but he didn't move from his spot.

"Adam, we both never get to see our mothers. You at least have a place to go. You have a father who would do anything for you. You have two places to go. You think you have it bad when really, I would die to just have aplace to go. Never take it for granted. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go find a bus."

I pushed his shoulder with mine and ran down the stairs. I heard his foot steps behind me and I walked right through the door with him not far behind.

"Jessica! If you walk one more step, don't even think about coming back!"

I stopped and turned around. The tears flooded my eyes. 

"I love you, Adam."

I turned back around and walked into the dark. I had somewhat of an idea of where I was going. I just didn't know how to do it. When I found a bus stop, I stopped and waited.

When the bus got here, I paid and took a seat in the middle. I cried and cried until thebus stopped in a city. 

Here goes nothing.

I walked around. I knew my face was stained with tears and the lights would bring it out. 


I turned to see Eric. He was with some boys and a couple feet away. He waved bye and came up to me. He was smiling until he realised why my face was red. He became concerned and touched my arms. That was when I realised I was shaking.

"What's wrong?"

I fell into his arms. He held me up and I cried again. After about ten minutes, I pulled back.

"I'm sorry about everything that has ever happened to you. But, if you could, could you please show me where the hospital is."

"Sure and don't me sorry."

He kissed the top of my head and didn't ask questions. I liked that. He took my hand and dragged me through the people. 

"Here you go. Can I come?"

I gave him a look and nodded. I don't want to be alone.

I walked through the white walls. I felt funny being in a hospital again. I hated the feeling that people have died here and will again. 

"Ma'am, are you Jess?"

I turned around to see a tall and slender woman. I walked to her and she had a sad smile on her face.

"Your mother is down here. She is awake now but I am afraid your boyfriend will have to wait."

"She's not my girlfriend, just a good friend."

She nodded and started to walk down the hall. I let go of Eric with a kiss and followed. 

She walked to a door and opened it for me. I took a step inside and she shut it behind me. I opened a curtain to only gasp at the sight. My mother lie awake. I heard a faint beeping noise that was her heart. She has more plugs in her than a curit city. I put a hand over my mouth and started to cry again. 

"Jess? Come here honey."

I walked up to my mom. She held out a hand that I firmly grasped. She choked a little which caused her heart to falter. She stopped and that's when my heart sank. She was still living but it got harder to hear.

"Jess, I want you to know something. I love you. I know it seems like I haven't but really, I failed as a mother. I am sorry for that. And... I know who and where your father is. His name is Clinton Candistra. He is a wonderful man and always wanted to see you again. He still does most likely. Your brothers, tell them I love them too. I want everything to go to you guys. I have the will wrote and it's under my bed. I also know who you are dating. Adam is a very nice young man. He will love you right. He found me one day when I was at home. He wanted to know about you. So, I am sorry but I told him everything. He knows about everything but your father. Or at least everything I can remember. I am sorry sweetheart. I love you but, I want you to pull the plug."

"What! Mom, no. You can pull through this. Please, for me?"

"Honey, trust me, this is what I want. I want to go like this. I love you so much."

That's when I heard a loud and long noise. My mother's grasp faltered and people started to rush around me. 

My mother, the only thing I had left, just died.

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