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I walked into the house to see all of the guys in the kitchen. They all turned to me with wide smiles.

"Hey, Matty's not here and you gave Adam an extra key," Ross explained. "We hope you don't mind."

"I don't," I shrugged, holding a bag of groceries.

"Let me help," Adam stood up walking towards me.

"It's literally everything you need for coffee, I got it," I laughed.

"I am trying to be friendly!" Adam exclaimed.

"The kitchen is two meters away," I laughed. "I got it, Adam."

"Fine," Adam crossed his arms. Adam sat back on the barstool, his arms crossed. "I was trying to be nice."

I rolled my eyes, putting the things in the cabinets. I then heard the front door open.

"Matty!" George cheered. "Sarilynn's here so please do not say anything."

"Oh," Matty walked into the kitchen.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Anniversary plans," Matty kissed my cheek. "That you are not allowed to hear."

I groaned, "I'll be upstairs..."

"You better be," Matty chuckled. "Don't hide in the bathroom or anything."

"I won't!" I laughed.

I felt Matty's eyes on me as I walked upstairs. I walked into Matty's and I's room, closing the door behind me.

I opened Matty's drawer to steal a shirt from him. I flipped through the different shirts, looking for a specific one.

I reached the bottom of the stack of shirts and saw a small ring box. The box looking familiar to the one his grandmother's came in. Curiosity got the best of me, and I picked it up.

I opened the little box to see nothing. I felt myself smiling as I realized this is the box his grandmother's did come in. He had kept the box.

I shook my head at myself, grabbing a shirt. I closed his drawer and quickly slid off my shirt.

Once I was dressed comfortably, I sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone.

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I heard the bedroom door open, and I turned to see Matty smiling. I turned off my phone and sat up.

"Finished," Matty smiled.

"Whatever that means, either with planning or fucking George, okay," I laughed.

"Haha," Matty joked. "George was great, his ass was really plump and very pale."

"I did not need to know that, but thanks for the information," I smiled.

"You're welcome," Matty nodded. "My birthday is coming up."

"I know, it's next week," I smiled. "I already have everything planned."

"You do?" Matty raised his eyebrows.

"Yes," I laughed. "I wouldn't leave it unplanned."

"Are the guys invited?" Matty questioned.

"Can't tell you," I smiled.

"What kind of cake is there going to be?" Matty smiled.

"Can't tell you, so stop asking!" I exclaimed.

"I'll get it out of you," Matty crossed his arms over his chest. "Eventually."

"Sure you will," I shrugged. "I'm hungry." I stood up and walked over to the door.

Before I could reach for the doorknob, Matty skunked his arm around my waist. I faced Matty and he poked my nose.

"I'm going out to get happiness, if you know what I mean. I'll be back in a second," Matty smiled.

"Okay," I kissed his lips.

Matty held my hand for as long as he could as we walked down the stairs. I turned to Matty once at the door, and he kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back soon," he stated. "I'll call you once the deal is made."

"Okay, bye Matty!" I waved as he opened the door.

Once Matty had left I walked into the kitchen. The time being 8:48pm, I pulled out a bottle of wine.

Every since being with Matty I've began to like red wine more than I've ever expected to.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some grapes, putting them into a small bowl. I then sat on the kitchen island.

While eating one of the last few grapes my phone began ringing. I quickly answered it, putting it on speaker.


"I got it," Matty panted. "I had to run, also."

"Aw," I smiled. "Everything went okay?"

"Yeah, everything was fine for the most part... the police didn't find me for once," Matty chuckled. "Got to be happy about that."

"Matty," I laughed. "I'll fix you a glass of wine if you'd like?"

"Yes please," I heard Matty's car start. "I'll be there in a minute, love." I smiled at the simple word, grabbing the bottle of wine out of the fridge.

"See you soon, bye," I hung up. I pulled a glass out of the cabinet and poured Matty some wine.

I closed all of the curtains in the house, cleaning up the small mess I made. I then walked into the living room and turned on Netflix.

I curled into a blanket on the couch. When I was about to fall asleep, Matty walked in.

"I'm back," Matty greeted. I turned to him with a small smile. "And you're about to pass out?"

"Maybe," I shrugged. Matty walked over to me and picked up my legs, sitting down on the couch.

Matty massaged my feet as he drank the glass of wine I prepared for him.

I sat up beside Matty, and he turned to me, his eyes glancing at my lips. Matty then yawned.

I laughed, "Now you're tired! It's not even ten yet."

"I don't care," Matty drank the rest of his wine and we both stood up.

We cleaned up our glasses then walked up to our room. I opened the door, immediately getting into bed.

Matty stood in the bathroom, and I caught glances from him. "It's not nice to stare, Sarilynn Bethany," Matty joked.

"You should be telling that to yourself," I smiled. "Over there staring at me while you look at yourself in the mirror."

"Hey!" Matty exclaimed. "Don't judge my ways!"

"I know," I smiled. "It's 'self reflecting time.'"

"That's right!" Matty pointed to me. "I need silence!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh Matthew Timothy..."

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