The Reveal

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I'm running through a dark, endless hallway lined with mirrors. Every time I look into the mirrors, I see a monster with green eyes where my reflection is supposed to be. The same monster growls after me in the hallway, hungry for my blood. 

Panting, I reach the end of the corridor and find a door. I fling it open and run inside to the room it leads into. More mirrors. Mirrors everywhere. I avoid my reflection, knowing that, soon, the green-eyed monster will return... 

I bolt upwards in my bed, breathing heavily. The sheets cling to my body, hanging on with the glue we all call sweat. Just a dream, Hermione, I remind myself as I lie back down. Just a dream. Even though it's a dream you keep on having, a nasty voice in the back of my head adds. 

"Shut up." I growl at myself. Great, talking to myself. What a wonderful way to start my day, by going bonkers. My gaze travels to my wardrobe. On top of it are three letters, one from Harry, one from Ron, and one from Hogwarts. 

I smile to myself as I get out of bed. I pick up Harry's letter and re-read it for the thousandth time. 

Dear Hermione, 

How are you doing? I'm doing great, if you ignore the fact that I keep on getting bombarded by the press. I shouldn't complain, it's happening to you too, isn't it? It happened to Ron; he sent an owl (Not Errol!) to me to ask, a.k.a beg, me to do something. Don't know what to do. 

Did you get the letter from Hogwarts yet? You probably did. I bet you're happy about this, aren't  you. I'm excited, it gives me a year to be a (almost) normal student. No more Voldemort! 

I'm glad that school's starting soon, I need a break, and I'm sure McGonagall, oops, I mean the Headmistress won't allow any press conferences. Well, I hope not. 

I'm living with the Weasleys. Wish they would've gotten you, but we're getting enough attention as it is. 

Hope you're well, Harry

I set down the letter and looked at Ron's unopened one. I hadn't read it, as I was too busy to read it. I knew that my boyfriend of five months should've been one of my priorities, but I just hadn't found the time. Now was the perfect time though. I slit open the envelope and began to read. 

Dear Hermione, 

Did you get the letter??? Harry tells me you did. Hey, guess what? Fleur is pregnant! Can you believe it? If it's a girl, they're naming her Victoire or Dominique. If it's a boy, they'll name him Antoine. Sounds stupid, right? DON'T TELL THEM I SAID THAT! Bill is freaking out and all the women are weeping. I think they're happy.

 Anyway, I've got some bad news for you. 

I hope that you're not too hurt by this part of the letter. It hurt me to write it, though. 

I'm sorry, but things aren't working out. I love you, 'Mione, I really do. But last month I realized that it was a sisterly love. You're not meant to be my girlfriend. I'm, really, really, really sorry, but it's just the way it has to be. Hope we can still stay friends. 

Love, Ron

I  finished reading the letter and sit in shocked silence running my thumb over the word love.   Questions exploded inside my head. The one I wanted the answer to the most was this: Why did you leave me?  

I shake off my thoughts with some difficulty. I let the tears flow down my cheeks for a while then wipe them off and sit at my desk. I find some paper and a pen and write a response to Ron. 

Dear Ron, 

I understand. We are just too different... I really want to stay friends! I understand completely Ron. We'll be okay, and hopefully no awkward moments will pop up! 

Did you tell your family? They'll find out anyway. I want to be there to help you explain why. While we're at Hogwarts, don't talk about this near me. Please. I don't want to re-open wounds and let myself bleed. (Very poetic, I read it in a book and wanted to share it with you!)

Can't wait to see you at Platform 9 3/4!


I read over my letter, satisfied with my response. I get up from my desk and pull open a drawer. Time to get dressed

*TIME SKIP TO 9:30 a.m*

I finish putting away the dishes in the dishwasher when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Honey, can you get that?" calls my dad from his office. I shout "Sure!" back. I run to the front door and open it, albeit cautiously. I gape at the sight that awaits me. 

Standing on the doorstep is a beautiful dark-skinned woman. She has dark brown hair that's pulled into a ponytail and dark brown eyes framed by thick lashes. She's dressed in a chic-casual style, white off the shoulder t-shirt, dark blue jeans and black leather ankle boots. Behind her is a teenage boy I recognize. 

"Zabini." I say stiffly to the Slytherin. He inclines his head toward me. 

"Granger." Zabini says, matching my tone. The woman who I guess is his mother looks back and forth between us. 

"Hermione, dear, can we come in?" 

I hesitate, then nod, stepping back to allow them to enter. I lead them towards the lounge and M(r)s. Zabini and I sit. Blaise remains standing. "Can I tell her, Mother?" He says. She nods.

Zabini looks directly into my eyes. "Granger, you're a Zabini." 

Yeahh... CLIFFY AND BTW PLEASE FOLLOW ME!! Leave your thoughts in the reviews; no flames, although constructive criticism is always welcomed. I'm working hard to get this story out there, because this is my first long story. Follow me on Quotev (MistySeas.) Anyway, hope you like this so far. You can add characters of your choice in the reviews and maybe I'll add them in later. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING!!!! 

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