The Kiss: Part Two

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Hermione POV

I slump against the wall and run my fingers over my lips and smooth back my hair. Already he has taken control of my mind.

Stop thinking like this, Hermione. I tell myself. But the feel of Draco Malfoy's lips on mine is hard to forget.

Please. He's only doing this to toy with you. He doesn't really like you. If you were still known as only a Muggleborn, he wouldn't glance twice at you. Or even glance at you. I scold myself and try to shake thoughts of him out of my mind.

Thoughts of my newly discovered heritage cram themselves instead, expanding to fill up the space. I groan as I think about what to tell Ron, Harry, and Ginny. But just because my outer looks changed the slightest bit doesn't mean I'm now suddenly different, right? They will still accept me.

Suddenly overwhelmed, I bury my head in my hands. I think about my new name, Alessandra. It doesn't sound like me. It sounds too stiff and posh to belong to a girl like me.

I make a split second decision to keep my old name. Hermione. It sounds like me, and reminds me and hopefully my friends that I have not changed.

"Aless?" The old nickname sounds comfortable as it trickles through my doorway. Blaise leans against the doorframe and then comes in. "You alright?"

I lean my head against the wooden paneled walls and give my brother a smile. "I'm alright." There's a long pause. He crouches next to me, his warm brown eyes filled with concern.

"Blaise." My words are hesitant but I speak them. "Do you think I should keep my old name? Hermione?"

Blaise shrugs. "It's your choice, Aless. But if you decide to stay with your old name, can I still call you Aless? And Alessandra?"

I nod. "Mrs. Zabini can too. I mean, Mother. Mum." I repeat the words mum silently in my head. Is she my mother? The elegant lady is so poised and sophisticated.

I groan again. "I'm so confused." I confess to Blaise. "And I'm scared too. What if my friends don't accept me? What if I never get used to this life?"

He gives me a smile that is filled with arrogance, determination, and love. "You'll be ok. You're Hermione Granger-Zabini, war hero no matter what your blood is. Friend no matter what we call you."

He squeezes my hand and helps me up. I send him a mirror image of his smile that reflects on my face. "Thanks." I whisper.

His steady gaze holds mine. Our smiles spread. "No problem, sis."

Then I ruin the moment and whack him steady on the shoulder. He groans in pain. "Ow, woman!" He complains.

"That was for saying 'Alias, Hermione Granger.'" I tell him, eyes glittering furiously.

He chuckles. "You're still Hermione, alright." His eyes glow with humor and I smile again. He's right. I'm still me- nothing can change that.


Draco POV

I lean against the banister of the staircase. My fingers rest on my swollen lips. I can still remember that bloody Gryffindor's eyes resting on mine, her fingers grazing my face so lightly. My cheeks blossom pink at the thought of her rumpled brown hair and plump pink lips. What in the name of Merlin made me kiss that infuriating know-it-all?

Blaise exits his room and casts me a look. "You alright, mate?" He asks, worried. I wave him off, mind still swirling.

"I'm fine. Just.. thinking. I'll talk to you later."

He flicks his eyes back to his sister's door and shrugs, then nods and enters Granger's room.

I sit on the top stair and close my eyes, breathing in and out in a steady rhythm. Granger was... Beautiful, I suppose, in her own curly-haired way. As Alessandra, she looks more confident. But not so much that she is completely different.

I imagine kissing her again and again. I remember those flushed pink cheeks, those glittering brown eyes.

I sigh. Mother's task for me, to become friends (and more) with her, seems like a paradise now. How could I earn her trust?

You could kiss her again. The idea is appealing and i imagine kissing her a second time.

No. Lose these thoughts, Malfoy. I order myself. Get some self control.

I shake my head and step down the stairs towards the courtyard. I need to clear my mind.

"Fuck you Granger. Now all I want to do is kiss you." I grumble.


I turn around. Shit.

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