The Argument Pt. 1

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Hermione POV

I broke away from Draco, embarrassed. Ron's blue eyes glittered, maybe with tears, I couldn't even tell. Before I could respond to his question, he turned and stormed back into his compartment.

"I...." Draco cleared his throat. "I'm going to let you handle this."

"That's smart."

He hesitated, his hand on the door back into his own compartment. "Should we talk about....."

I shook my head. My mind was whirling. Too much had happened at once. I made out with Draco - Draco, my supposed mortal enemy! He had called me so many slurs back when we were children! Did I forgive him now?

Had he apologized?

"Hermione, I...." Draco's voice trailed off. He looked almost hopeful. He wanted to stay here, I realized. But why?

Kissing him would make more of a mess of things, right? There were already so many things Ron and Harry had to get used to.

Dear Merlin, Ron. Where did I start with him?

"Just go," I said, my voice coming out more harsh than I intended. He shrank back, and I glanced away, ashamed. "Please."

Draco slipped back into his compartment. Alright, I could get... all that... Sorted later. After I dealt with Ron.

How would I even deal with it?

Why? Why are you doing this?

His voice was so filled with pain. Was he jealous? Was that why he was so angry? I shook my head, deep in thought. I had never been great with emotions, at dealing with mine or others. I bad always felt so unequipped to deal with everything inside of me - I had so much rage, fear, curiosity, so much inside of me, where did I begin to untangle it all?

I was filled with questions and no closer to answers. I took in a deep breath, fidgeting with a lock of my hair. I knew I had to confront Ron. What he said wasn't okay. He wasn't allowed to shame me for kissing somebody. But I hadn't heard his side of the story either. I shouldn't write him off so quickly.

Taking in another breath, I stalled in front of the door, thinking over my next words. Cautiously, I slid open the door to find Harry and Ron in a heated argument. They stopped when they caught sight of me, and from the guilty look in Harry's green eyes and the slightly scared one in Ron's, I knew they were talking about me.

"Hello, Ron," I said, taking my seat next to Ginny. She scooted towards the window, muttering something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like "I'm not getting involved in this dumb shit."

"Hullo, Hermione," Ron said back, just as politely.

I tapped my wand against my knee, a nervous habit, and watched him shift uncomfortably. Finally, Harry spoke.

"This is awkward."

"Let's leave," Ginny suggested. The couple interlocked their hands and exited out. The redheaded girl shot me a look that said this is all you.

"Do we need to talk about what just happened or should I? Because that's what I do, right? I'm the mature one?"

I felt anger building up in my veins, clustering under my skin and burning through my blood. Maybe that unblocking spell Ms. Zabini - Mum? - had cast on me hadn't just unblocked my illusion. Maybe it has unstoppered some of my emotions too.

"Woah, Hermione -" Ron held up his hands in a futile gesture of surrender.

"No, Ronald, I don't want to hear what you have to say. I spent years pining after you, loving you from afar, hoping that -" I gulped and swallowed back the salty taste of my tears. "hoping you felt the same way."

Before Ron's eyes could soften, I barreled on. "And we're finally together, and I think it's my perfect fairy tale ending. I think it'll be perfect.  Just the way it should be."


"Save it, Ron." My words are snippy and I hope they cut deep. I'm not even sure where all of this is coming from, but it is welling up in me like a bubbling potion. "But it's not perfect, is it? I'm still the smart one, the one who looks after you. Merlin forbid I do a simple thing I want to do - no, it's all about you, and Harry, and your idiotic adventures!"

I take in a deep breath and keep talking. I feel quite a bit like Harry must've back in the summer before fifth - angry and hurt. "Ron, did you ever care about me? Or I was just somebody you could easily discard?" I wipe away my tears. "because I'm not. I'm somebody new now. I'm somebody better..."

"Please, I just -"

I cut him off again, afraid that if I stop, the words will never be spoken again. "I'm somebody different. I am not who I once was. And Draco-" I brace myself for the next words - "Draco isn't who he once was, either. And I'm not a little child, Ron! I'm perfectly capable of kissing whoever I like without having to explain the reasons to you!"

"Are you done?" His arms are crossed and he looks impatient.

I glare at him and fold my own arms across my chest. How dare he sit there like I'm the one at fault!

"Hermione." Ron studies his hands and then lifts his head to smile at me. For a moment I'm caught off guard - his smile was always so sweet and pure - but I refocus the scowl on my face. "I was going to apologise to you."

"Ronald, don't contradict me - pardon?" I blink, astonished. I didn't see that coming. Ron was always so hotheaded - it didn't occur to me he would apologise. Perhaps it was because it was something neither of us did easily.

"Yes," Ron said. "I was talking it over with Harry and... I feel guilty for saying that, Hermione. It's not my place. But... You have to understand. I don't like Draco. At all."

"Well, I think I might," I whispered, mumbling it so quiet I almost didn't hear it myself. Ron definitely didn't as he kept speaking.

"It wasn't my place to say that to you." Ron dropped his gaze but continued speaking while I sat, shell-shocked. "And it's not my place to question who you like or why - Especially because we broke up. So. I'm sorry."

"Thank you," I said. I hadn't expected him to apologize. "Why did we break up?"

"Well, you see...."

Hi guys it's your author sorry for being gone

Also Ron will NOT be a douchebag in my story and there will be no Ron bashing or any sort of bashing at all. I want to do my best for each character to have their own flaws and personality. If you came here for bashing, hop the f u c k off.

Thanks. :)

kudos ~author

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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