The Reveal (Part 2)

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I gasp. "I'm a what?"  I shriek. 

Zabini casts a dark look at his mother. "Told you she wasn't going to take this well," he mutters sullenly. His mother shushes him. 

"Hermione, you are a Zabini. You were separated at birth from Blaise, to protect you. We cast a concealing charm on you. Your real name is Alessandra Sapphire Zabini."

Alessandra Sapphire Zabini...I think to myself. 'Alessandra' means 'defender of mankind' in Italian. Well, I think it does. 'Sapphire.' My birthstone. And 'Zabini'...

"I'm about to take the charm off of you now." says Zabini's mother. My mother. She takes out her wand and twirls it in a complicated pattern. I gasp. I feel like I was thrust out into winter, then brought back in again and given a hot bath. I feel strange. Lighter, almost. My hair feels smoother, and my eyes sting. My body aches around the chest, legs, and fingers. My skin prickles. 

I open my eyes. I didn't even realize that I'd shut them. I look down at my body, trembling. I'm slimmer, my legs are longer. My skin is a light brown, darker than tan but lighter than Blaise's. I study a lock of my hair. Brown, with golden highlights, shimmery and smooth. I hold up my hands and study them. They're perfectly manicured and the fingers are slimmer than I remember... I touch my face. The cheekbones are higher, skin is smoother, and the lips fuller. I stroke my lashes.  Longer. I'm willing to bet that my eyes are different too. Sure enough, once I glance into the mirror hanging over the mantel, I see that my eyes are a darker brown, flecked with gold.

I turn towards Blaise-my brother-and his mum. MY MUM!!! My new/old mum smiles at me and then calls out for my parents. Well, my old parents. Wait, what? I feel so confused. My old/new/fake mother gasps slightly when she sees me, then turns pale when she sees my new/old mother. (A/N: Please try to keep up with my logic.) "No...It's true." Her voice cracks. She looks like she's about to cry. 

My fake dad walks in and suddenly stiffens. "You promised we could keep her." His voice is low and dangerous. My new/old mum bows her head and whispers something. 

I can't believe that I'm a Zabini.... What will Harry, Ginny, and Ron think?  I shudder a bit at the thought of going back to Hogwarts looking like this. I study my face in the mirror. I don't look that different. My hair is the same length, and it's still curly like before. My face shape is basically the same. I have the scar Bellatrix gave me. I have the same voice. But most importantly, I still have the same broken expression in my eyes, eyes that have seen too much. Ginny calls them eyes of a warrior, and I agree with her. 

My new/old mum looks at me. "Start packing, Alessandra." I feel confused. Why do I need to pack? Then I realize that I'm moving in with them. I run upstairs and seize a quill and parchment. Quickly, I jot down a note to Harry and add a postscript to Ron's letter. 

Dear Harry, 

I have learned something about myself that will forever change me, and in doing so it will greatly affect you. 

I hope that you will still be my friend. 

I will tell you all about this shocking discovery once we meet on Platform 9 3/4. 

I really hope that this new development will not change anything. 

With Love, Hermione

I hesitate as I write my fake name. I can't use my new/old name. He won't know who it's from. I write down the postscript for Ron in the letter I wrote to him earlier. 

P.S. I have learned something about myself that is shocking, to say the least. I'll tell you about it on the train. 

I walk over to my window and whistle. A beautiful tawny screech owl lands on my window sill. I attach the letters and he flies off, hooting softly. 

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