The Best Friend Part 2

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Hermione/Alessandra POV

I turn around, teeth clenched. How could Blaise mess up like this? If Draco finds out-

Wait did I just call him Draco? I shudder and look away from his searching gray eyes.

"How about you leave...Draco Malfoy and I alone for a bit so we can get acquainted,  brother dearest?" I say through gritted teeth. The amount of sarcasm in my voice should be illegal, I think savagely to myself.

Blaise smirks at me and leaves.

I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him. "So you're Draco Malfoy. I've heard so much about you." I draw out the phrase "so much."

He smirks at me, the famous smirk that made me punch him and made all of the other girls swoon over him.

I've never seen why girls are attracted to him and I certainly won't start now. I glower at him and slam the last suitcase shut.

"So before, when Blaise said, Alias Hermione Granger, what did that mean?" He says. He leans against the wall, curious.

I sniff in a haughty way. "I'm sure you're What do you think it meant?"

Throwing open my new and very huge closet, I ignore Malfoy. Slipping inside, I close the closet door shut, letting Malfoy deduce whatever he wanted to deduce.

I slip out of my ill fitting white tee and cotton shorts, changing into a comfortable yet form hugging white camisole and dark blue denim shorts. I huff at the short shorts and the form hugging top. My old/new mum bought me a new wardrobe and while it all fits and is my style, all of it shows off my figure.

I find my favorite, over large scarlet jumper and tug it over me. It smells like Ron and I pull it off, tears pooling in my eyes.

I select my second favorite one, also very large. It's one of Molly's creations, and it's black and comfy. A golden book is embroidered on the front.

Exiting the closet, I find Malfoy lounging on my couch, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

When he sees me, his gray orbs instantly scope over my body and my clothes.

He smirks. "Nice outfit, Granger."

I freeze.

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