The Encounter: Part Two

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WOWWWWW I'M RETURNING TO MY WATTPAD ROOTS!!!!! So here I am :))) Whew, hopefully this chapter turns out okay. Thanks for waiting here! ...If you waited.... :////

Hermione/Alessandra POV

Finally I straightened up and stopped laughing, shoving my hair out of my face. Draco was blushing so hard, it made his silver hair pop. Blaise was still snickering. "Okay, so explain," I said with a smirk. "If you can properly explain that dramatic way of saying hello." 

Draco rolled his silver eyes, the pink color slowly fading away. "We were just goofing around," he muttered. 

"You sounded so serious," I said with another light laugh. "I actually thought you were saying it for real." 

"What?! I wouldn't say something like that," he protested. 

"Yeah you would," Blaise and Pansy said in unison. Blaise added with a cough: "Drama Queen!" 

"So why are you here, anyway?" Draco asked, ignoring his friends. Our eyes met and I remembered that passionate kiss we had just a few days ago. Maybe he remembered it too, because his eyes slowly drifted to rest on my lips. 

With a blush, his eyes snapped back up to meet mine. 

"It was an accident," I said as calmly as I could. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little flustered. It had been a good kiss - fiery, lips clashing and his hands running through my hair... I realized I was staring at him and glanced away towards the window. "I was... Um, I was looking for Ginny's compartment." 

"Wouldn't the Weaselette be sitting with you guys?" Blaise said, flicking open his copy of The Quibbler. "Since the Chosen One's her boyfriend and all." His voice was dripping with sarcasm. 

"I'll have you remember, dear brother, that Ginny and Harry are my friends. Kindly remember their names," I snarked. He rolled his eyes at me and detached a pair of Spectrespecs from the magazine, putting them on. I didn't know that Luna's father was still selling those in The Quibbler

"That's a good look for you, Blaise," Pansy said with a grin. She shot me a smile, too, as she reached for a Chocolate Frog. She still looked a bit like a pug but had mostly grown into those features. Her choppy black hair had grown out so she looked less like an American scene kid from the early 00s and was more working this layered hair thing. "And tell Potter I'm sorry, okay?" She focused on unwrapping the Frog. Her smile dropped away as she pulled out the card. "I wasn't the smartest Slytherin. Or the kindest." She held up the card for me to see: Harry Potter. The portrait wasn't too bad. He was moving around, brushing the hair out of his eyes in a familiar gesture I'd seen him do countless times before. I wondered who made it. 

"I think you should apologize to him yourself," I said quietly. I knew it took a lot of guts for a Slytherin to admit they were in the wrong. After all, pride was one of their defining traits. 

She sighed and flicked her black eyes away from the card, tossing it down to the ground. "I guess." 

I cleared my throat. "So this has been sufficiently awkward. I'm going to go... um, find my friends. See you later, Blaise." I exited the compartment. 

"Granger, wait." I turned - Draco was behind me. I took a step backwards from him. Has the corridor always been so narrow? 

"We have to talk." He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. I noticed he hadn't gelled it today. It looked good messy. I remembered messing it up myself, my hands sliding smoothly through those platinum locks, my lips crashing onto his. 

"About what?" I said, like I hadn't been daydreaming about the very thing we had to speak about. 

"Merlin's left ball sack, you know what!" He snapped at me, eyes flashing. 

"Using such foul language? What would your father think?" I instantly regretted my words. He moved closer to me, his breath hitting my cheek. It smelled like minty chocolate. I backed up, my hands and back now planted against the corridor wall. 

"My father is in Azkaban," he hissed. He tucked one finger under my chin and lifted my face up towards his, making me stare directly into his pained gray eyes. I was shocked to find tears pearling at the very edges. Draco was before me looking vulnerable and open. It appealed to me, and shocked me. "He was found guilty of his crimes, Granger. I was lucky for not receiving the same fate." 

His hand shifted from my chin to caress my cheek, tucking a curl of hair behind my ear. "Please let me talk to you," he whispered, voice softening. "I'm sorry." 

"For what, Draco?" My voice was a whisper as well. It was so quiet I could hear the laughter of other students in other compartments. I could hear my heart thrumming in my chest - and he was so close I could hear his. 

"For everything." 

His lips crashed down on mine. I say crash because it was a disaster. He missed my lips and his teeth scraped the edge. It hurt a little. He lifted away from me, laughter and worry mixing together. "I'm sorry for that terrible kiss," he said, amusement in his tone. 

I don't know what made me do it. What made me cup the back of his head and bring him down to meet my lips. A proper kiss. Not like the fiery one we shared but instead soft and gentle. Forgiving. Loving, almost. It felt... Amazing. Like his lips were shaped perfectly to fit against mine. Why are you doing this? A voice screamed in my brain. It sounded a lot like Ron. 

Wait. That was Ron. 

I broke away from Draco and glanced down. One compartment door at the end was slid open, with Ron poking his head through, mouth agape. "Why are you doing this?" He repeated, betrayal in his eyes along with shock and hurt. "Why?"

Welp that's it. Thanks for reading! Like always, comment, vote, share, subscribe. Love you guys, and many kudos!!!!!!!!


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