The Return: Part One

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Hermione POV

I packed my trunk with a wave of my wand, practically split in half because of my beaming smile. It was time to return to Hogwarts, my home.

My smile vanishes when I think of Harry and Ron. What will they say? What will they think? I go to my mirror and look at myself.

I am around the same height still. My hair is dark brown still, but in looser, tamer curls, and shot through with streaks of brown. My skin is darker, like Blaise's, but lighter than his. It is on the point between deeply tanned and coffee colored. My body is shaped slightly different, but my general features remain the same.

I am recognizable.

I wear my favorite clothes, a knitted brown cardigan over a black t shirt and jeans. I pull on my worn out black flats and tie my curls into a bun.

Grabbing my trunk, I take a deep breath. Time to confront them.

Before I exit the room, I cast a glance at my desk. Two letters, crinkled by my fingers, lie open. One is from Ron, the other from Harry, both questioning me and my news. What's up, Hermione? What did you discover? I support you no matter what! I can't wait to see you September 1st. Said Harry's. Hermione? Are you alright? Is this about the breakup? I'll be here for you September 1st. Said Ron's.

Will you? Will you really still be here for me?

I clicked off the lights and shut the door.


I stood in the gateway of Platform 9 3/4, wishing I wasn't here.

I spotted a familiar mop of red hair and a mess of black. I started towards them, but before I got much father, a voice behind me said, "Hermione?"

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