The Kiss: Part One

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Recap: he smirks. "Nice outfit, Granger."
I freeze.

Hermione POV
I hate you Blaise. Is my first furious thought. My next one is something like obliviating Malfoy, or better yet, Avada Kedavara'ing him.

He swings himself off the couch and comes closer. Looks at me, deep into my eyes. His silvery orbs flick over my face, linger on my scar. He laughs, long and low and deep. It sends shivers down my spine.

"I can't believe I didn't recognize you. Granger, and now a Zabini." He chuckles some more.

I gave him an acid glare. "You can't exactly use any 'Mudblood' insults now, can you, Malfoy?" I ask coldly. I brush past him, pretty much pissed at everybody.

He blocks my way and peers into my eyes again. "When my mum told me it was a muggle born..."

I pull away and glare at him. "Dear Merlin, you are infuriating! Just leave me alone, will you? I've got enough to worry about, what with going back to school, and telling my friends! So not a word to them, or I'll hex your balls off!" I snarled.

Yeah, I snapped. But I was so pissed off at him. Couldn't he leave me alone? The pure blood might have gotten better during the war, but he was still annoying as all hell. Just because he showed basic human morals doesn't mean he's suddenly a hero! And I, for one, am not about to bow down to him simply because his mother saved Harry's life.

Malfoy tilts his head and grasps my wrist, pulling me closer. "To think that I didn't recognize that voice." He murmurs quietly. I shiver.

"Let me go." I whispered. I mean for it to sound harsh but instead it sounds trembling.

He looks at me, and I shiver again. I feel like those piercing eyes are digging into my soul, stripping away my resistance piece by piece until I wanted to beg him to bring me closer.

I whimper as Malfoy leans in. "Say my name. I'll let you go." He whispers. My wand is forgotten when his words brush against my lips.

"Draco..." I breathe out. He closed his eyes and kisses me, dark and demanding but passionate. My knees nearly buckle but his arms go around my waist. I've never kissed anybody like this. Not Ron, not Krum.

He stops for a moment and leans away. "Still want me to let go?" He asked, smirking. I want so desperately to turn the tables on him and say yes. But I can't. My breathing is heavy and I feel shaky.

I grip him tight and kiss him this time, battling for dominance before I pull away with a breathy moan.

"Looks like you can't let me go." He said, smirking.

I growl at him, remembering who I am. Who he is. "That-" I pant "-didn't happen."

I push away from him and leave my room. When I'm far away enough I press my fingertips to my lips and sigh, trying to forget the feeling of his lips against mine.

A/N: I'm back! Finally. Sorry about the long wait and thank you for sticking it through. I dropped my phone and it took forever to get it fixed... Anyway, I'm back. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, even though it's a little short. It'll be a couple of weeks before the chapters come quicker and better. I just have to get back into the 'groove.' I've been really busy but I'll try to update often! Thank you for reading!

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