The Best Friend: Part 1

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Draco P.O.V

I glare at my reflection. Blaise had only just told me that his long-lost sister was back and I had to look hot because apparently this girl was some sort of exotic beauty.

My sleek platinum blonde hair had been slicked away from my face. My striking silver eyes matched my button down shirt. I rolled up the sleeves and unbuttoned the top three buttons. I paired the top with smouldering dark gray-blue jeans and black Italian leather Oxfords.

I still didn't know if it was good enough. Dressing like a muggle made me feel slightly uncomfortable, so I wrapped a billowing silk black cloak around me.

As I clasped the snake-shaped clasp, I heard my mum shout up the stairs for me. A lone house elf named Minki tottered into my room, dressed in a fluffy green tea towel that had the Malfoy insignia stamped in silver.

"Mistress Malfoy wishes for young Master to come downstairs. She sending Minki to do the coming getting you, Sir." She squeaks out.

I nod and follow her downstairs. "Hello, Mother." I say.

My mother bows her head to me. Her shiny white blonde hair has pure white strands shot through it. Stress and age has taken its toll on her, but her pale face is as beautiful as ever.

She grasps my hand and leads me to the couches. We sit, and she leans forward.

"Draco, this girl had been raised by Muggles but is actually a pure blood. Do try to make good connections with her; it could raise our image. Just imagine the headlines! Draco Malfoy to Wed Muggle-PureBlood!"

I sigh and roll my silvery orbs. I can feel my mum's matching ones boring into the back of my head as I bow my head. This stuff has been going on for a long time. Our social standing has been in jeopardy ever since the war. We've been struggling, and Mother firmly believes that if I marry into a high standing pure blood family, everything will be fixed.

I wave good bye to Mum and turn on the spot. With a crack, I arrive at Blaise's mansion. Blaise himself is sitting on the front step.

He waves a hello to me and walks over. "Wanna meet my sister?" He asks immediately.

I nod. Blaise leads me inside and up a winding staircase. He pauses on the second landing and rests his hand on the knob of the door.

"Ready?" He whispers. I nod again and check my reflection in the polished floor. I look hot. I'll be fine.

He throws open the door, revealing the most gorgeous girl ever. My mouth almost drops open, but I close it just in time.

His sister is tall and slender, with a willowy figure. Her eyes are the color of melting chocolate, her skin a warm bronze, her hair, sleek elegant caramel curls with golden highlights.

She freezes when she notices me. She had been unpacking. As I come closer, I notice freckles dotting her cheeks and golden flecks in her eyes. "Damn son..." I whisper to myself.

I reach out a hand. Warily, she shakes it. "I'm Draco Malfoy." I say smoothly with a charming  smile.

"Alessandra." She says. Alessandra. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. As I open my mouth to tell her this, I hear Blaise whisper.

"Alias Hermione Granger."

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