The Encounter: Part One

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Draco POV

"Infuriating Granger. No wonder she's a Zabini with what she says!" I rant, pressing my head against the train window.

"Hey!" Blaise protests, looking up from his magazine. He turns a page of The Quibbler, I think it says, and then sighs. "What's the point?" He mutters.

"Point of what?" I snap, eyes narrowing. Blaise gives an exaggerated eye-roll.

"Of this conversation." Pansy retorts, slamming her Potions textbook shut. "We get it, you're in love with Granger/Zabini/whatever. Yay, good for you. She's infuriating you. Yay, good for you. Nobody cares, Draco!"

"What's wrong with you?" I bite back. Her brown eyes glittering dangerously.

"Wrong with me? Nothing's 'wrong with me!' what's wrong with you, may I ask? If you really want her so badly, ask her out, dunghead! Grow a pair!" She said, turning her attention back to the Potions textbook.

I splutter in indignation. "Wha-wha? I-uh-that's-! Bollocks!"

Pansy raises an eyebrow. "so you don't want to ask her out?"

I bang my head onto the window in frustration. "That's not what I-! Fine! Whatever! What I really want is for this bloody train to goddamn get a move on!" I growl, rubbing the aching spot.

Blaise sighs and sets his magazine aside. "So if she came in right now, what would you say?"

"Probably something like-" pansy smirks, then continues, deepening her voice. "Well, well.
Granger. Why are you here?"

Blaise stifles a snicker behind his hand. "No, it would definitely be: Well, well. What brings you into my compartment? Why have I been graced by the presence of Hermione Granger?"

I redden. "Shut up, you two arseholes." They explode into laughter.

"No! He'd definitely say something like: well, well. What makes you stumble into my part of the woods?" Pansy chokes out between giggles.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah right."

"C'mon, say it!" wheedles Blaise.

At the exact moment the compartment door slides open, I comply with Blaise's request.

"Well, well. What makes you stumble into my part of the woods?" I drawl, draping myself dramatically over the seat, fanning my eyes with the closest thing. (A package of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.)


More laughter ensues. Pansy and Blaise rock back and forth, clutching their sides, tears streaming down their faces as they full out cackle.

"Uh.." I stammer, embarrassed. I drop the Every Flavor Beans and straighten myself up.

Hermione stands there, her eyes wide, mouth dropped open as she takes in the scene. Me, face red and straightening up. Blaise, twitching on the floor cackling like a madman, with tears trickling out of his eyes. Pansy, lying down on the seats, clutching her sides as laughter positively explodes out of her.

"Umm.." she seems at a loss for words.

"It's not that weird! I can explain! Kind of!" I blurt out, face reddening even more at her confused and slightly skeptical expression.

She lets out a tiny giggle when she looks at Blaise, her brother, then Pansy. "this isn't what I imagined your compartment would look like." She smirked.

"What did you think? Dungeons? Snakes? Evil planning?" Blaise sniggers.

"Shut up!" Hermione laughs. I blush more, for whatever reason. She sends me a smirk. "You're cute when you're flustered, Malfoy."

The comment sends Blaise and Pansy into hysterics, which sends Hermione laughing some more at their antics.

I end up being the only sane one, burying my face in my hands as the three people in front of me dissolve into laughter.  "Dear Merlin, save me." I muttered.

Hi guys. Yeah, this chapter kinda sucked. Sorry. :/ I've been really busy with camp and then I was traveling all over the place so my schedule kinda got messed up. But I swear that I'll try my hardest to update a lot! Hope you enjoyed this (trashy) chapter!

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