- 6. macey -

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      I had been counting down the days til
Ron and I left for New Jersey, and we're leaving tomorrow. I was still in shock from the fact that the base was basically pushing me out to go back home for a banquet. Also that I would be occupied by a stranger who was standing outside of my classroom just two short weeks ago.

      As I was packing my clothing, there was a knock that the door, probably either Will or Optimus. They've both been coming down to my room to check on my these past two weeks, which was odd in my opinion. I still haven't seen Ron since they day we were both told about the trip.

      "Macey, are you in here?" I heard someone call out to me, it sounded like Will, but I could hear some murmurs coming from behind the door, signaling that he was not alone.

      "One minute!" Closing the top of my duffle bag, I walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there was Will and Optimus.

       "Good afternoon, Macey, it is lovely to see you," Optimus said to me with a sweet smile. Will, on the other hand, just gave me one of his I-am-only-acknowledging-you-because-Optimus-did waves. I smiled sweetly to the both of them.

       Realizing that we were all awkwardly standing at my door, I stepped back and gestured for them to come in.

      Will came right in, something he'd done dozens of times before, but Optimus hesitated at the threshold.

    "Everything okay, Optimus?" I asked confused and concerned as to why he wouldn't have came in. He shook his head and confidentiality stepped into my apartment type living quarters.

       "So, what brings the two of you around here today, I just spoke to Will on the phone this morning," I asked while walking back over to my duffle bag to continue to pack odds and ends, currently I was on socks and shoes.

      "Nah not really, Shorty, just wanted to see if you needed any help. Optimus here wants you to - wait," his slightly dramatic pause caused me too look up from my task, "do you seriously still have those Corgi socks from the time you, me, and,"
he paused once again, not wanting to mention him; Optimus looked very confused.

    "Yes, William, I do still have my amazing Corgi socks from New Hampshire. What was it that Optimus wants me to do?"

       Optimus took this as his turn to speak, "Macey, I would greatly appreciate it if you were able to have all of your bags for this trip in the hanger by tonight, since you and Iro-" Will elbowed him in the side, hard, at this. What the heck was that about? "Ron, you and Ron will be departing early tomorrow morning."

      "Sure thing, Optimus. All I have left is to pack my curler and straightener, but I'll just pack them in my backpack tomorrow."

       "Is that all you're taking with you, Macey?" Will asked, motioning towards my decently sized duffle bag which was sitting on my bed, "I mean, that's not much clothing for such a long trip, considering you're a girl-"

      "Excuse me, William?"

       Optimus' eyes widen at my snippy comment towards his partner, and slightly took a step back, wise choice buddy.

      I narrowed my eyes at the slightly scared man standing in front of me. I cannot stand when anyone makes comments such as that one.

      "Um, you see, I didn't exactly mean it as an insult, um, more like, based off prior knowledge of my wife and how much she packs when we travel, you get me?" He tried to make an innocent smile, but boy it only pissed me off more.

       I crossed my arms in front of me, looking up at Will with livid eyes. Optimus, who I saw in the corner of my eye, was trying to hold in a chuckle at the sight before him.

       "Yeah, okay, I get ya," I squinted my eyes and turned sharply on my heel to finish packing, acting as if nothing ever happened; only to make Mr. William over there think this conversation would never be brought up again.

       Will and Optimus were having their own side conversation while I finished checking over my duffle bag to make sure all of my clothes were packed correctly.

      "Alright, everything for this bag is packed. Are we taking it into the hanger now?"

     "Yes, we will Macey," Optimus said with a sweet smile, I smiled back. Will kept his gaze on the ground, serves him right.


      We finally made it into the hanger, and it was huge. I'd been warned so many times about staying out since there was 'dangerous things happening and you shouldn't get hurt' or that it was 'a classified area and I was not permitted to enter'.

       I did a circle, just looking at anything and everything in here. Once I was almost completed my circle, I saw a lineup of  expensive cars sectioned off to themselves.

       "Holy shit, when did you guys get the budget to buy those?" I pointed over towards the vehicles.

      Will and Optimus shared a knowing look, Will was the one who spoke up, "well, ugh, let's just say that they came to us."

       I spotted Ron over near a huge black Topkick, seeming to be checking it over. At first glance, there seemed to be nothing physical wrong with the truck, it was beautiful in fact. Yeah sure, back in Jersey we had some jacked up trucks on the farm, but nothing like that.

     Optimus and Will started making their way towards the lineup. I picked up my duffle bag, which I refused to let Will or Optimus carry for me, and hurried to follow them.

       Optimus and Ron shared a look, almost as if they were talking to each other without actually speaking, this went on for a few minutes before I awkwardly piped up.

      "So, um, Optimus, where should I put this?" I lifted up the duffle bad and he gave me a smile, once again. I glanced over to Ron who had a strange expression in his eyes: a mix of sadness, annoyance, and pettiness. Before Optimus had the chance to even say anything, Ron came over and easily picked up the bag, placing it in the backseat of the truck.

       "It's going right in there, Exner," Rom spoke in a deep tone. I've only heard him speak two or three times before, so I couldn't tell if it was because he was annoyed or what.

       Will had both a smug smile on his face and a worried expression; that didn't make sense at all since he and Optimus were the  ones who picked Ron to drive me on this trip.

       "Okay, well Macey, maybe you should head back to your room, ya know, do some of your work of college and whatever you have for your classroom here while you're gone," Will said quickly, putting a hand on my back to guide me towards the door connecting the hanger to the base.

       What the hell is up with him? He's been acting so strange for the past two weeks. Plus, he called me Macey, he almost never calls me Macey! He's probably just worried something is going to happen on this trip, yeah, we'll go with that.


     Once I reached me room, I went over to my laptop and sat down to get at least a bit of work done for school.

     I ended up not being able to focus, too excited for the trip tomorrow, so I packed all of my necessary binders, textbooks, and notebooks, and my laptop into a backpack, ready to go tomorrow.

       I put on a pair of sweatpants I hadn't packed, my hair in a bun, and settled down for bed. Sleep took hours to come to be, and before I knew it my alarm was going off.

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