- 7. macey -

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       Today was the day. Today was the day I was finally heading back to New Jersey. The day I would embark on a week long drive with a stranger. The first day that I'd ever miss teaching.

       Currently it was six o'clock in the morning, and Ron and I were leaving at seven, so I had an hour to get ready.
I already had an outfit set out on my desk, so I quickly put it on. It was a simple outfit: dark wash skinny jeans, a gray short sleeved shirt, a black zip-up, and my top sliders. I also put my hair in a neater messy bun since it had become a rats next over night. Ever since I started teaching, I hadn't been able to wear such casual and comfortable outfits at the base. It felt good to dress like myself again.

      While gathering myI grabbed a granola bar out from my backpack and started eating it for breakfast. I hurried around my apartment grabbing things such as my phone charger, tooth brush, hair brush, curler and straightener, wallet, and everything I would need to finish school work.

      Triple checking my list, I made sure I had everything I would need for this trip. Once I was sure I had everything, I stretched my hips out a bit, put my backpack on my back, and headed out the door.


      For once, I made it to the hanger without getting lost. When I got there, I was greeted by a nervous looking Lennox.

     "Ugh, William, what's wrong?"

      "Nothing, Shorty, just nothing," he snapped back. Someone's in a pissy mood today.

      I just shrugged my shoulders, spotted Optimus and made my way over to him.

      "What's got Will's panties in a twist today?" I asked, with a smile on my face.

      "What?" Optimus genuinely looked confused, what did he not understand my joke?

       "Nothing, just a joke, so what's up with Will?"

       "He's just worried about you and the trip," Optimus said while still looking at Will, who was now running around the base like a chicken without their head.

       What the heck does Will have to worry about this trip? I don't understand why everyone is making it seem like there is some sort of danger lurking around me leaving the base, which wouldn't make sense. Sure, I technically was apart of the U.S. military, but there was nothing I have that would benefit an enemy, at least I think so. To most, I was just the on base teacher; I didn't know of any top secret information.

       I spotted Ron hastily walking over to Optimus and I. He also seemed to be angrily muttering, that much be a habit that he has. All that I could make out was something alone the lines of 'fragging twins' and 'scratched paint', whatever hell that means.

       I gave Ron a friendly smile, which he didn't return, he only gave me a nod of the head.

       Optimus called Will over to our little group, who seemed to be a bit more calm now. He started going over with Ron on how if there was anything wrong, to com into the base immediately, no matter how small it was.

       "If my best friend gets hurt on your watch, I don't care how strong you are, but you're going to be running for the hill, understood, Ron?" Trying to be intimidating, but failing, Will obviously wanted to scare Ron into keeping me out of harms way, but Ron just ended up with a smug grin on his face.

       "Trust me, Lennox, this femme ain't getting hurt on my watch," cocky bastard. Wait, what the heck is a femme? Must just be some slang that they use around the base. Over the past few years, I'd learned some from Will whenever we'd talk, but is never heard someone say something like 'femme' before.

      We all silently made our way over to the Topkick, this time, Optimus was the one to speak up.

       "Remember your promise, old friend," Ron's back slightly hunched at Optimus' words, something I wouldn't have seen if I hadn't been standing right next to him. Within a slit second though, he straightened back up, not knowing that I had seen the body language coming from him.

       While Will was lecturing Ron, once again, about keeping me safe and other protocols, I looked up to his eyes, having to crane my neck. My eyes only made it half way up his chest if I was standing straight, but hey, I wasn't complaining because it was a nice sight. Anyway, when my eyes reached his, they held more unknown emotions. Yesterday, I could see some of the different emotions, but today I could not determine any of them. This was the first time that I could really, really look at his physical features up close.

      His bright blue eyes were beautiful. There were stress lines all over his face, showing how long he's been in war. There was also a scar that I hadn't noticed earlier on his one eye; I'm sure that has a story. After examining his face, I let my eyes trail over the rest of his body, not in a creepy way more of a oh-my-lord-you're-incredibly-gorgeous kind of way. And boy, he was gorgeous. He stood about six feet tall tall, give or take, setting him shorter than both Will and Optimus, but still taller than me. What he lacked in height, be recovered back in muscle. He was probably the best built muscle wise out of the trio.

       All of the sudden, there were a pair of snapping fingers in my face. Without thinking, I whacked them away with my free hand; luckily said snapping fingers belonged to Will, not Ron or Optimus. It would've been embarrassing if it was Optimus, not that I think he'd care much, but I think Ron on the other hand would've reacted very differently. I don't think Ron personally likes me that much, and  slapping his hands away probably was digging my own grave.

        "You ready to go, Exner?"

        "What? Yes, yes, I'm ready."

       Before I could get into the Topick, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, only to be engulfed into a hug by Will. Strange.

        "If he tries anything, I mean anything, call me right away and I'll be on the first flight out to wherever the two of you are to kick his ass. I already told him about your hips and how he's going to need to stop whenever you want him to. Okay? Just tell him to pull over and he will. Stay safe, Shorty, I mean it," from beginning to end, Will's tone was the most serious that I'd ever heard it before. I don't understand why he's so worried.

       "Will do William. Say hi to Sarah and little Annabelle for me while I'm gone okay? I haven't seen them in a while." He just nodded his head.

       Optimus came up next. He leaned into my ear and whispered something very softly:

     "Keep an eye on old Ron, okay? I think you're going to need him as much as he needs you," with that, he walked away without another word, leaving me speechless, not completely comprehending what Optimus just said.

       I just shook my head, opened up the passenger door to the truck, and hauled myself in. Before I knew it, Ron and I were silently driving towards New Jersey. Here's to a week of just driving before the real fun begins.

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