- 21. macey -

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       This day has been so long. It seems like minutes take hours to pass. Between everything with Ironhide leaving and my schoolwork, I was barely getting any sleep. With a yawn, I tried focusing back on the class I was currently teaching which was my older students.

      "Ms. Exner? Are you okay?" I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. The voice sounded as if I was underwater and they were above. I started feeling cold. My fingers started freezing and the base of my neck felt as if it were on fire. I took a shaky step back, trying to find a solid surface, but nothing was there.

      My vision was clouded, but I could see different masses of color rushing their way over to me. I fell to the ground. Before my vision blacked out, I heard people yelling for help.


     When I awoke, I was in a white room. White walls. White ceiling. White blankets. It was so bright in here. I tried to pull my right arm to protect my eyes from the light, but something tugged against them. I squinted down to my arm only to see IV wires connecting me to a drip. I tried sitting up, but a familier voice stopped me from doing so.

      "Ep, ep, ep. Lay back down right now, missy," it was Ratchet. He was the only one who came into the room. No Ironhide.

     "W-where's 'Hide," my voice sounded like it hadn't been used in days. My throat immediately started burning from the words being forced out from my mouth.

      Ratchet sat down on the bottom of my bed, near my feet. He had an odd expression on his face. Oh no. Did something happen to him?

       "He's on the mission. You've been in a passive state for the past four days. Your government wanted the mission moved up on the timeline. They left last night," my head dropped down so I was looking into my lap. I didn't even get to say 'I love you, be safe' like a normal couple would to each other when the other left for an extended period of time. I started worrying about him. I knew there was a tiny, tiny chance that he could come home hurt, but that was very tiny.

      "He wrote this for you, incase you woke up and he wasn't back yet," Ratchet let a letter written by Ironhide fall into my lap. With shaky hands, I picked it up.

     It had the familiar mess almost unreadable handwriting that I'd grown to love.

      'hey Stubbs. so I guess if you're reading this, then you woke up and I'm not back yet. I'm sorry about that. I fought with Prime a good hour on trying to get this mission moved back until I knew you were safe, but there was nothing he could do. I'm probably over in Shanghai, China right now kicking some 'Con afts.

      I'm currently writing this sitting next to your body, which is in stasis. it's scary seeing you like this. you look like you're just going to jump and yell "surprise! it was all a joke" any second now, but I know that's false hope. doc said that your passing out was caused by stress. I think I know what's causing it, and were going to fix that when I get back. together.

      I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this before I had to leave, but I love you. I love you. I love you. more than you would ever know, my Stubbs. I love you more than anything in this world, and I want you to know that. Lennox is starting to yell at me, I need to get going. don't get into to much trouble while I'm gone.
- your favorite weapons specialist

*incase I didn't say it enough, I love you*'

By the time I was finished reading the letter, there were tears welled up in my eyes. A few fell onto the paper, but I pulled it away before it could receive further damage.

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