- 19. macey -

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       When I woke up the next day, I was alone in my bedroom. I groaned and sat it, stretching. All of my joint made different clicks and pops, the backfire of riding horses so much. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little yellow sticky note. I looked over to it and grabbed it. The writing was basically chicken scratch, but reading it a few times allowed for me to actually understand it.

       'You talk in your sleep, it's quite adorable. We had a conversation about how nice my seats were. Thank you for the compliments. Call me when you wake up
- Your favorite weapons specialist'

      With a smile on my face, I grabbed my phone off the charger, Ironhide must have plugged it in, and dialed his number.

      "Ah, has the princess arisen finally?"

      "Screw you, I'm still half asleep."

      "Feisty are we? What'd you think of the note I left you," I could practically hear the smile on his face and it warmed my heart.

       "Oh, you're just getting started with me while I'm asleep. One day I'll tell you the story of when I slept walked at a horse show, everyone back in Jersey knows that one," I was pulling on a short sleeved shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Since it was the weekend, there were no classes for me to teach, praise the Lord. I'm counting down the days until those kids go on summer break.

       "Stubbs, you there?"

       "What? Yeah sorry, I was getting dressed," once the words left my mouth, I regretted them.

       "Oh were we now? Hmm sounds like a nice scene-"

       "Shut up, pervert," I tried to make an angry voice, but it didn't work and he chuckled. At least he wasn't here to see the smile on my face when I was trying to be mad at him, he would tease me about it all day.

       "Can you come down to the training room? Wear something comfortable," oh boy what is he planning?


       "Ironhide, pick up your damn phone, I'm lost, again," I locked my phone and tried once again to search for the training room, which seemed to be impossible to find.

        All of the sudden, there was a voice behind me in which I didn't know. I jumped, clearly frightened. My first instinct was to throw a punch, and that's what I did without thinking about it. My fist connected with something and next thing I knew the unidentified person was on the ground groaning.

       "Geez, you have one hell of a swing, girl," he looked pretty young, probably brand new to NEST.

       "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. It's just one minute you weren't there and then the next minute you were. Here let me help you up," I tried to help him up, but then again he was a fully grown man who was also very well built. It was like trying to pull a boulder up a hill.

       "Is there anything wrong here?" Now, I knew that voice: Ironhide. I turned around and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

      "No, sir, I accidentally scared your girl and she punched me. She has one hell of an arm, don't make her angry. I take full responsibility, sir."

      "Very well," the soldier scurried off, clearly scared that Ironhide was going to hurt him somehow.

       Ironhide and I walked in silence, he was leading me to the training room. All of the sudden, he made a sharp turn to the left, making me run into his back.

       "Dude, a little warning. Would it kill ya?"

       "Probably not, but then again gotta keep on your toes, Stubbs. Be ready for anything."

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