- 15. ironhide -

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       One moment Stubbs was on the phone with Lennox and the next there was a blast landing right in front of me. Stubbs didn't look like she could move, so I just grabbed the phone out of her hand to talk to Will.

      "Macey?! What the hell was that-"

       "Lennox, it's Ironhide. Some 'Con found us. We're fifteen miles off of the base. Send someone. Exner needs to be taken away before she finds out!"

      Lennox didn't respond, instead I could hear him shouting orders to people in the base. In the meantime, Starscream came down, landing in front of us. Exner didn't look like she was going to move anytime soon, so I opened my door and pushed her out to the ground.

      "What the hell was that for-" I cut her off by starting to transform. I've been stuck in my alt for almost two and a half weeks now; it felt good to finally stretch out, but not under these circumstances.

      Screamer and I started fighting, I knew sooner or later he would retreat like always. My audio receptors picked up the familiar engines coming closer.

      Starscream was about to shoot directly at Exner, my Stubbs, but I shot at his arm, shifting his shot a bit, but it wasn't enough. The shot rang out. Seeing Stubbs fly through the air, and land hard on the ground made my spark clench. Sideswipe was the first Autobot to make it to the scene.

      As if was still fighting with Screamer, I yelled out to Sideswipe, "take Exner back to the base! Now!" He quickly transformed and used his holoform to grab Macey. She looked so lifeless and helpless, I felt a rage building up in my spark. This was all Screamer's fault. I gave one final blow to Starscream which sent him retreating.

      Will was the first human I saw, he practically flew out of Optimus' alt when he saw Sideswipe fly past.

     "What the hell, Ironhide?! What-"

      "No time to explain. We need to get back to the base. She needs me. I don't know what's wrong with her," I quickly transformed and tried to drive off, but Optimus stepped in front of me. I transformed back into my true form and looked at him, "Prime, you gotta understand. I need to make sure she's okay."

       Instead of speaking in Earth's language, Prime spoke back to me in Cybertronian, "do you care for the human femme, Ironhide."

      "Yes! Yes, I care for her, Optimus. That's why I need to make sure she's okay," I tried to frantically explain. Sideswipe would've reached the base by now and I didn't know how long it would take for her to wake up. When she woke up, I don't know if she'd connected the dots and found out my secret.

       "Very well, old friend, go and see your mate," I didn't even listen to what Prime said, I just transformed back and drove off, going way over the speed limit.


      When I got back to the base, I transformed once again, not even caring that I startled many humans, "Where is she?!"

       I noticed Sideswipe skating out of Ratchet's workplace with his head hung low.

       I quickly moved over to him, "Sideswipe, where. The frag. Is. She?"

      He started speaking extremely fast, I had to put my servos on his shoulders to stop him, "she-she, I got her here as fast as I could but," I could feel my spark stop. I rushed past him, busting into Ratchet's workplace, not caring at she might have known about me for sure now.

     Ratchet was using his holoform working on Exner. I transformed and activated my holoform, running over to them.

      "Ratchet," my voice sounded broken, but at this point I didn't care, "what's going to happen to her?" I grabbed her hand, which felt cold. Ratchet eyed what I was doing suspiciously.

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