- 25. ironhide -

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       The next morning, I woke up before Macey, like usual. When I looked over to the clock, it read seven thirty, making this the latest Macey and I have ever slept in the same bed.

      I rolled over, slowly, to face Macey, who was tangled in my arms currently. Her face looked to be the most at peace she's been since the meeting yesterday.

        I went to reach out to her, but I accidentally shifted in the bed too quickly and woke her up. As her eyes opened, I let out a silent curse because I wanted her to say asleep and get some rest.

       "Wha-Ironhide what are we doing in bed?" Her words came out in a sleepy mumble, if I hadn't heard it many times before, I'd have no clue what she was saying. But, after only a few seconds, her mind fully awoke. "Ironhide! Up!Up! Up! We need to pack! Why did you let me sleep so late?!"

       When she started to attempt to get out of bed, I didn't say anything. I aller her out of the bed. Once she was completely off of the bed, I sat up with my back against the wall to watch her reaction. The whole room was practically made into a maze with all of the boxes covering the floor. Confusion was covering her face when she turned to me, but then realization hit her: I did the packing for her.

         She came back over the the bed and practically jumped on top of me. She wrapped her arms around my waist, well, attempted to and paid her head on my chest.

        "Thank you, 'Hide," I could feel her smiling against the material covering the upper part of my holoform.

        "You're welcome, Exner."

        She raised her head to look up at me with a smile. If I could pick any moment in time to have forever, it would be this one. This perfect moment. And when she spoke, it made me smile, "oh, so we're going back to that, Eidh?"

         "Why not, Exner? I mean, one day, we're both going to be Eidh, so let's be different while we can."

        She playfully shook her head and laid it back down on my chest. It seemed that she'd given up on trying to wrap her arms around my waist and was now tracing patterns on my arms. I had to do everything in my power to keep me from either squirming from the sensation or smiling at the sight.

         "I love you, Ironhide. I hope you know that."

         "And I love you, too, Macey Exner."


         For a while, Macey and I just laid there on the bed in a comfortable silence, enjoying the presence of each other. Then, her phone started to ring. I reached over to get it because it was closer to me than her.

         When I handed her the phone, she looked st the contact and whispered, "why is he calling."

        She motioned me to stay quiet and answered the call, "hey, Uncle Ed, what's up?" She paused, I couldn't exactly make out what the person on the other line was saying. "What do you mean you're moving the shop?!" She surprised me with her suddenly loud voice, but I didn't show that, "what about staying in Jersey? You loved it there. Oh. So you're moving it to South Carolina? What about Matt and Erin? Okay good. When do you move it? Tomorrow?! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Very true. Yes, we are. Alrighty, I'll tell him. Bye, Uncle Ed. Yup, I'll see you sometime soon."

       Once she hung up the phone, I spoke up, "what was that about?"

"My Uncle was calling we, Uncle Ed the one you met when we went to Jersey. He said hi, by the way." I didn't remember exactly who it was, but I still nodded my head, "well he's moving his auto shop down to South-" her phone started ringing one again, this time I couldn't see who was calling her.

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