- 16. macey -

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"WE'RE WHAT?!" was all I could hear from outside of the room I was currently in. I've never heard Ron's voice that loud before, and it worried me a bit. Out of context, I had no clue what or who he was talking about.

I started thinking about Ron. Here I was all bruised and beaten up, but he looked perfectly fine like nothing ever got to him. Ever since the Topkick formed that metal creature, I hadn't seen him until now.

The metal creature. It held its own beauty. The sun reflected off its blank paint coat in just the right ways. When it fought red eyes, it's moves were much more thought at and fluid while the others were more offensively and aggressive.

Does that mean that whole trip the truck wasn't even a truck? Maybe that's why Ron was always acting weird about when I talked about driving it or when we were at my uncle's shop to get the scratch fixed.

Outside of the door, I could hear so much commotion happening. It wasn't the normal commotion I've heard in the base: the training, meetings, commands being said. Right now, I heard yelling, metal on metal, and huge loud footsteps.

I tried to stand up to figure out what was happening on the other side of the walls. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and let them fall to the ground. I kept my hands on the sides of the bed to regain my balance. Once I felt confident in keeping myself upright, I let go of the bed, but I had false confidence and fell right to the ground.

As I was falling a shriek left my mouth. I hit the ground and groaned, that hurt. It was probably from the medicine Dr. Ratchet gave me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw three figures coming towards me, so I tried to stand up.

"Ep-ep-ep! Don't you move, missy," Dr. Ratchet scolded me for trying to get up. Ron made his way over to me and easily lifted me up, a little too fast for my liking. I had to grip onto his shirt to keep myself from falling again.

"Did you miss me that much, Stubbs? You could've just called," Ron had a cocky grin on his face, liking our position a little too much. I slapped his chest and he put me on the bed in a sitting position. He then sat down too, moving so I could lean on his shoulder.

I noticed Optimus standing there with Dr. Ratchet, so I called out to him, "Optimus! I haven't seen you yet today! How are you?"

"It is good to see you, Macey, and to answer your question, I am good, thank you for asking," Ron tightened his arm around my shoulder, jealous much.

"Can I ask you guys something," three pairs of eyes were immediately on me, "what was that today?"

The three of them shared different looks. It was almost like they were having a conversation without actually talking.

Ron cut the silence, "well, you see Macey," oh boy, I've never heard him call me Macey, "there's this war that all of us," me motioned to him, Optimus, and Dr. Ratchet, "are involved in."

"And how does this have to do with the truck?"

"Hush, I'm getting to that," I put my hands up in mock surrender, "it's not a normal war, it's an alien war, and the truck is one of them. There's two sides, Autobots, the good guys, and Decepticons, the bad guys. Here at NEST, we work with the Autobots.

The one who attacked you and I was a Decepticon named Starscream, the second in command." Room was talking to me as if I were five years old and barely knew English.

"Wait, so this 'Starscream' is like the truck? But he didn't look like truck at all."

"That's because Screamer transforms into a jet, not a truck."

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