Fallen Angel

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Chapter 1 ~ Fallen Angel 

"Nina Jessamine Hudson, you are hereby from this moment on, banished from Heaven, and sent to live out the rest of your life on Earth," Angel Ruben commanded. I briefly glanced behind me from where I stood on the edge of Heaven, the blustering wind whipping my pure white silk gown around my bare legs. Right now, stood here on the precipice of Heaven, slight nerves began to form in my chest; what if I fell on something and died?

Returning my attention to Angel Ruben, I took a deep breath; this is what you've wanted for so long and now you finally have it. For ages now I have been rebelling against the head angels, who demand strict discipline and are extremely harsh on anyone who disobeys the Rules of Heaven.

Angel Ruben continued to drawl on and on,  making me subtly roll my eyes as I glanced around Heaven one last time. "Do you agree with your punishment for your unruly behaviour, complete disregard for the Rules of Heaven such as engaging in public displays of affection with someone you have not been previously linked to in your life before Heaven?"

"I do," I replied, my soft, harmonic voice floating gently with the air. Angels are extremely beautiful beings, and in the medieval ages were thought to cause delusions in people due to the affect of our outstanding beauty, similar to the affect of sirens on sailors. However, humans have never been able to prove the existence of angels, therefore securing our safety and existence on earth as fallen angels. All angels have glowing blonde hair and stunning ethereal silver eyes matched with large, fluffy white wings that vary in size depending on age, gender and life choices. My platinum blonde hair hung down to the top of my backside, fluttering around gracefully as it laid perfectly between my extended wings which stretched out in anticipation of my fall to Earth.

"Move to the edge, Miss Hudson," Angel Ruben demanded in his consistently authoritative voice. I gulped, stepping up to the edge, looking down below me at the masses of clouds, hiding my destination; Earth.

"You may step in ten seconds. Ten. Nine." I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for my journey ahead. "Eight. Seven. Six." I straightened my back as I took one last glance back at Heaven behind me, deciding that I wouldn't miss this place. "Five. Four." I took another deep breath, exhaling slowly through my mouth, rolling my shoulders back to relax myself and attempt to reduce my nerves. "Three. Two." My eyes fluttered close as my wings extended from my shoulder blades, the fluffy white feathers being ruffled by the blistering winds surrounding me. "One. Goodbye Nina Jessamine Hudson." I let myself step off the edge of the platform of Heaven, allowing my body to fall rapidly through the air, my wings curling around my body in a protective cocoon, shielding me from the majority of the wind. My eyelids struggled open momentarily, just to see black, the colour of ink, seeping down my wings, covering every feather and stray wisps. A sharp gasp escaped my lips, and quickly flitted downwards, noticing that Earth was rapidly getting closer, no longer a blurred mass but a sheet of green. My wings had turned completely jet black by now, making me truly recognise what I now was; a fallen angel. My small body continued to fall at extreme speeds towards the land below me, never seeming to slow down, making me panic slightly, what if I landed on something and died?! Inhaling sharply, I ignored my nerves, and tensed my body in preparation for landing as my eyes could finally see each individual tree, all of which quickly approaching.

"Fuck!" I yelled as my body finally met the reaching arms of the tree's branches, slightly supporting my landing, but not by much. A sharp cry escaped my lips as my body rolled down through the foliage of the trees, branches and twigs scratching at me as I went, drawing blood along my exposed arms, legs and face. Finally, my body escaped the tangle of trees and my body fell even further, before hitting the cold, hard dirt of the forest floor. My wrist snapped under the weight of my landing, making a loud cuss leave me as my other hand quickly went to support it. Uneasily rolling onto my back, I faced the broken foliage above me as I regained my breath, my head spinning from my descent.

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