Chapter 16 ~ Schedule

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Chapter 16 ~ Schedule

Scott and I walked through the woods to the pack house, our hands clasped together. I had thrown on a baggy muscle shirt tucked into a black skater skirt, red woven tights with my combat boots. Scott's been telling me about funny times with Brax and Matt when they were younger.

"Matt's face was hilarious, and his cheeks started to go red!" Scott laughed. He was telling me about when he and Brax found Matt and a girl out in the woods when they were fourteen, and the poor girl was unfortunately not the prettiest petal on the flower. "The girl looked like she'd fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down! Matt was furious at us, and started chasing us up to this cliff where we always used to hang out. He backed us up to the edge, his eyes close to black, and me and Brax just looked at each other like what the fuck do we do? I shrugged, and jumped off the cliff. It was awesome, until I hit the water. Christ, it was like knifes, and fucking freezing." He involuntarily shuddered, making me giggle even more. "Brax had jumped just after me, and we literally jumped back out of the water like cats with their asses on fire! I broke my wrist, whilst Brax broke his arm. We trudged back up to the pack house, and Brax's mom was waiting for us. She was like my own mother, but she was scary as hell. My eyebrow was bleeding and needed stitches, and Brax's arm looked so fucked up it was disturbing. His mom lectured us for ages, but finally let us go to the pack doctor. Luckily, Matt never did kick our asses, but I know he's building up to it."

"Oh, of course I am," Matt chuckled as he jogged to catch up with us.

"It wasn't our fault!" Scott defended childishly.

"Yes it was!" Matt retorted equally as childish.

I giggled again, my hand holding Scott's bicep for support. We were now at the pack house, and Scott led me in, where we saw Brax running around like a headless chicken.

"Hey, man, calm down," Scott chuckled.

"How can I?" Brax screeched. "Bridget won't stop throwing up, and I'm freaking the fuck out!"

"I'm out," Matt muttered, walking back outside.

"You're supposed to be with her!" I scowled.

"NO WAY!" He shouted, stopping pacing, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a child. I rolled my eyes and jogged upstairs to Brax and Bridget's bedroom. I walked in, and heard Bridget bringing everything up in the toilet of their en suite. I rushed in, and saw her kneeling over the toilet, her head over the bowl. Her hair was up in a high bun and out of her face as she only wore a thin white vest and pyjama shorts; similar to what I wear for bed. I quickly knelt next to her, rubbing her back and holding her hand.

"Fucking hell," she groaned when she stopped, sitting back on the cool tiled floor.

"How are you enjoying pregnancy so far?" I smirked.

"Oh, great..." she muttered sarcastically. "I've been in here since four in the morning and Brax won't stop freaking out! He's worried? This is my first pregnancy, I'm not used to throwing my guts up every five minutes. I'm scared shitless, and he won't even comfort me." She broke down into tears and I gently pulled her into my arms, letting her sob into my chest, softly rocking her back and forth whilst stroking her hair soothingly.

"He's just not used to it, honey. He's scared and panicking. He doesn't understand that you are scared as well. He just needs to alter and know what you think," I whispered softly, her arms holding my torso tightly. Bridget sniffled, nodding and lifted her head up, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

"Look at me, I'm becoming an emotional pregnant woman," she chuckled.

"Honey, you are an emotional pregnant woman," I laughed. I stood up, and slowly helped her up, and leading her out into the bedroom.

"So, you got any good news?" She smirked, winking as we sat down on the king sized bed.

I blushed, smiling, "Scott and I mated!"

She squealed, yanking me into a big hug. "Congrats!" She giggled. Her smile was so contagious I found myself smiling as well. A knock in the door got us turning our heads to it as Matt poked his head inside.

"You two need to come downstairs for something," he said with a sigh then started walking away, leaving us to follow him. Bridget and I exchanged a quick glance and walked downstairs. We found the guys in Brax's office, behind his desk, Brax sat down, with Scott and Matt stood at his sides, all looking at his computer. Scott was the first to move, by standing up straight and walking round the desk to me, wrapping an arm around me.

"What is it?" I asked quietly.

"We emailed the Alpha of your brother's mate's pack, and he's given us permission to go onto his territory to see your brother."

I grinned, squealed, as I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thank you!" I squealed, kissing his cheek.

"Wait a minute, so what exactly are you?" Bridget asked, frowning. She sat on Brax's lap as he sat in his chair behind his desk still, one hand on the bottom of her back, the other over her belly.

"A fallen angel," I smiled shyly as Matt's jaw dropped open.

"My best friend's a fallen angel," Bridget muttered, more to herself that anyone. "Cool."

I chuckled, leaning against Scott's chest as he held me tightly. I stood with my back against his strong chest, his hands caressing my hips thoroughly.

"When are we going then?" Matt asked, standing at the side, his arms crossed as he leant back against a wall behind him.

"Tomorrow morning?" Brax asked, looking around us all. We all nodded, and Bridget stood up, coming round the desk, pulling me into a big hug.

"Congrats," she smiled. I smiled back as we pulled away.

"Thanks," I replied, holding her hands in mine.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go throw up again, lovely seeing you." With that she all but ran out of the office. Scott, Matt and I all looking at Brax, raising our eyebrows.

"What?" He asked.

Scott sighed heavily, rolling his eyes and pointed at the door. "Go."

Brax's eyes suddenly widened as he ran after his mate.

"That was easier than expected," Matt chuckled, strolling out.

I laughed, looking up at Scott. He let out a long, heavy sigh, "finally!" I giggled, turning around in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck. I softly started trailing kisses up his neck, nibbling on his earlobe. "Tease," he muttered, gripping my hips tighter.

"I won't be if you take me home," I whispered seductively in his ear. He smirked, grasping my waist. I buried my face into the crook of his neck as he sped home with his vampire speed. I lifted my head up, and Scott was just kicking our bedroom door closed. I giggled as he laid me down on the bed, and let's just say, we didn't come out of the bedroom all night.

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