On the phone.

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A/N: Hi! :) While writing this I have kinda just discovered how much I love writing stories. I plan on adding plenty of parts this week and hope to have this finished by Friday because I want to start on more stories! This is me discovering myself. Please give me critiques or just comments in general they would make me very happy! Have a wonderful day!

-The next day-

She dialed the number. Simple and it stuck around her mind until Peridot picked up. 

"Hi! This is Lapis right?"

"Yeah that's me! I could only assume you're Peridot! I mean well duh..." 


"GOD IM SO STUPID" Lapis thought.

"So! We were going to talk about the room? We need to get this done soon because my mom wants me out. Not trying to rush anything it's just that if things go wrong... you know." Peridot was hesitant to say much about her situation.

"Yeah Yeah! So I guess I should ask some questions and how we could split rent?"

"Oh yeah! About the rent... I have a pretty bad job at Best Buy... I'm sure there is a compromise we could make up." 

Lapis and Peridot talked for the next hour about the housing situation. 

"Alright well I'll see you in a bit. I'm gonna get a moving truck to move my bed and other furniture."

"Okay!" said Lapis oldly joyful about this situation.

"Bye, Lapis"

"Bye, Peridot."

Mint to be - Lapidot Human AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now